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What They Have is Our Money. What They Deserve is Our Contempt And Our Disgust!

Writer: Hussein Abdul HamidHussein Abdul Hamid

Let me try and put this into perspective.

For the past three decades that I, a Malaysian citizen have chosen to live abroad, I have not cost Malaysia a single cent in upkeep...nor as some would rightly argue....neither have I contributed to the upkeep of the nation. But, hopefully, by the articles that I have posted as blogger steadyaku47, I can only hope that it has made you all think about what is right and what is wrong with our nation and the wrongs done by many leaders of our nation, that has used and abused public office, for personal gain.

Think also, of the many millions of Malaysians that have been trying to earn a decent living day in and day out......some kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang. Some earn a meager living, just enough for a roof over their heads and to put food on the table for their loved ones. Most Malaysians go about the grim business of earning a living in difficult times and circumstances. All of us, having to contribute to the well-being of others who are not as fortunate as ourselves, and all of us having to contribute to the well-being of our nation via the taxes we pay and via the taxes that are imposed on the things we buy.

Think also of those Malaysians for whom life is a daily grind of work, eat, sleep, and then more work.... at one, two, or even three jobs, to make ends meet.

Now think about Rosmah and her Hermes bags that cost hundreds of thousands of ringgit each to buy. Think about her son, Rizal Aziz masquerading as a Hollywood producer and rubbing shoulders with Hollywood royalties and having palatial penthouses and apartments in places that we could never even dream of going...and all of them - the films and the luxury apartments costing hundreds of millions - being paid by us.

Think about her children owing LHDN millions in unpaid taxes.

Think about the millions being paid by Najib to the array of lawyers to defend him for the billions he had scammed, plundered, and simply stolen from our nation's coffers. The hundreds of millions the Najibs have spent on the wedding of their daughter in what they proudly claimed to be the wedding of the century for Malaysia...nay maybe even the world, or at least, in this part of the world.

Think about the contrast.

Me not costing our nation a single cent in the 30 years that I have lived abroad, and the many Malaysians going about their daily lives trying to earn a decent income through an honest day work....and contrast that against the Najibs with the hundreds of millions at their disposal to spend on Hermes bags, lavish weddings and all the good things in life...and all being paid for by OUR sweat and OUR tears...and will be continued to be paid for by generations of Malaysians to come because of the billions in debts incurred by the government as a result of what this Najib family has scammed or simply stolen from our nation's coffers. And if you think deeply and with some sense of outrage...then maybe you can begin to understand that what this Najib family deserves from all Malaysians is only contempt and disgusts for the things that all have done to keep themselves in ostentatious splendor, at our expense.

Maybe they think of themselves as being punished and ostracized by all of us because we envy them for their lifestyle and their wealth - but, friends, that lifestyle and their wealth have not been earned by their own sweat and tears, but have been stolen from us...from each one of us, and we, and generations of Malaysian to come, will be paying for their ill-gotten wealth.

So really all this Najib family do deserve is to be spat upon by us should we ever have the opportunity to do so...and at the same time we should tell them what we think of them for stealing the food from the mouths of our hungry children, for stealing the money that could have gone to pay for a better education for our children, and for making our people, our country and future generations of Malaysians poorer by the billions that they have stolen from us to benefit their personal selves.

What despicable and truly unworthy human beings these Najibs are to have made our lives, our future, and that of our nation much worse than what it has to be. Let us not let them forget that!

5 comentarios

Syed Putra
Syed Putra
05 abr 2023

Najib is just one of many. Muhyiddin openly did the same but he still remains and many more.

But my main concern is the education system.unless we start improving maths, computer probramming and science, we will be hindered by more of such nonsense.the quality of our politicians reflect that of the nations voters.

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Ting Kiong Tee
Ting Kiong Tee
03 abr 2023

Najib cried foul being scammed by someone depositing millions into his personal account!! Ingenious!!!

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01 abr 2023

My CONTEMPT is NOT only on najib n his family; but the whole BN-UMNO goons during Najib’s tenure who did NOTHING to prevent the 1MDB fiasco from getting worse.

And what’s make it more worse is that some of them are still in the present government.

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Miembro desconocido
05 abr 2023
Contestando a

correction .. he’s not a lawyer but an accountant with ACA professional qualification and also a shrewd businessman out to make deals too.. when he was UDA’s chairman, he allowed a Malay historic enclave in Penang called Tanjong Tokong to be developed the way that angers many Pg Malays like me.. he was trying to do the same with Kpg Baru in KL at the displeasure of the Malays who re his constituency

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