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Writer's pictureHussein Abdul Hamid

Sultan : Ada yang tamak, ada yang gila, ada suka perempuan, ada yang zalim. Ada juga yang Pendek.

Updated: Apr 23, 2022

My earliest memories of Sultans were of two things.

They fornicate a lot with women who are not their wives, with women who are other people's wives, with women whom they wed and then discard after fornicating with them and with any women they feel like fornicating with or without the permission of these women.
The other thing I remembered about Sultans from as far back as I can remember is simply this question that I keep asking myself : Who pays for the Rolls Royce's, the Istanas and the extravagant way of life that they, their children and their many wives lead?

Given what we know of them today, nothing has changed for most of these Sultans. And among the Sultans, Pahang and Johor, are by far, the worst offenders, with Kelantan, deserving of a notorious mention.

This week, Dollah Pendek had the audacity to allow a Convicted Felon and his Wife, into Istana Negara during Ramadan. And if allowing a thief into the Istana was not enough, that Convicted Felon was invited to join Dollah on the same table for the breaking of fast. In doing so, Dollah Pendek made it clear to us all that damm what any Malaysian may think, damm what protocol dictates what a King should or should not do, and damm what the Courts have decided. If he wants a Convicted Felon to join him during Ramadan for buka puasa, he will do so.

Lest we forget what the Sultans of Pahang, Johor and Kelantan, past and present has done and are still doing today, that have cause much shame and embarrassment to all of us, let me share with you, in the coming days, some tales of past and present Sultans from these three states - some written by me, and some by others Today we start with an article written by Gopal Raj Kumar, on the Royals Down South.

End the Murderous Johor Sultanate Enforce Central Rule in the State Posted by grkumarJuly 15, 2017

When the Sultan of Johor allows his wayward, unruly son the Tunku Makhota Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim (TMJ) to run riot with his statements encouraging separatism, he becomes truly unworthy to remain ruler of his state.

Furthermore in these circumstances the Sultan fails in his duty as a constituent component of the conference of rulers, as guardian of the religion of Islam and the culture of the Malays in his state. And for these reasons he must relinquish his position.

The Johor sultanate unfortunately has a chequered history that sometimes reads like a cross between the exploits of Jack the Ripper and Vlad the Impaler. There is nothing royal or noble about that family of paranoid schizophrenics. Nothing noble at all.

TMJ is a partially educated man with a glorified exaggerated CV on his Wikipedia page. He was considered a lightweight and under performer at military college in Dehra Doon. The TMJ was pandered to at Doon school because of the Indian government’s desire to foster and renew closer ties with Malaysia after a hiatus of decades of mutual mistrust under Dr. Mahathir.

In fact the morally repugnant and hideous grandfather of TMJ, the former Agung Sultan Iskandar Al Mahrum Sultan Ismail the Sultan of Johor and TMJ’s father, Sultan Ismail both have a record as notorious philanderers and violent men. Both are said to be possessed of a cruel streak lacking in morality, compassion and the dignity that goes with the office and titles they hold.

Sultan Ismail Ibrahim the current Sultan of Johor is no exception to this long line of infidelity, impropriety, criminality and immorality in office and in private. TMJ alas is cut out of the same cloth.

INHERITED LUNACY- BARBARIANS AT THE GATE As repositories of the Malay culture, trust and religion of Islam, the Johor royals are probably the worst examples of immorality, impiety and profanity to be found anywhere on this planet. How and why they are tolerated to this day beggars belief and borders on insanity.

Clipping the wings of royalty was perhaps one of Dr. Mahathir’s finest moments in office. Unfortunately he did not go far enough. He should have abolished the royal household of Johor and established an expanded federal territory with the seizure of Johor. He did not.

The TMJ may just be tempting the federal government with his recent outburst on secession. He fails to realize that the federal government is able to exercise its powers by giving him exactly what he has asked for. Appropriating the state of Johor (another way of letting Johor go as he requests from the federation) thereby separating it from the federation by extinguishing its existence as a separate state of the federation. What that will do is to turn Johor into federal territory and disentitle and disinherit the Johor royal family reducing it to a chapter in Malaysian history.

It appears nothing has changed with that family since the day the British gifted Sultan Abu Bakar Ibn Daing Ibrahim a pistol. The Sultan Abi Bakar then went out to the street and liberally shot and killed ordinary people. It was his way of testing the efficacy of his new toy a lethal weapon in that pistol. The family is possessed of all the classic characteristics of sociopaths, schizophrenics and narcissists as identified by the FBI in one of their templates and in their working manuals.

The former Agung, Sultan Iskandar’s exploits was only different in style to that of his ancestors and successors to the throne. They were not too dissimilar in cruelty and criminality to that of his ancestor who ordered a pregnant woman in his household to be carved up with a knife whilst she was still alive. That rage was triggered by the poor woman allegedly having admitted to eating a piece of a jackfruit from his kitchen.

The family continues in that barbaric tradition of savage criminality with crimes against innocent Malaysians ranging from the assault on the hockey coach Douglas Gomez to assaults on members of the other royal households.

The assault on the former daughter in law of the 4th Yang Di Pertuan Agung , Tuanku Ismail Nasiruddin Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Zainal Abidin III and wife of Tunku Sulaiman his oldest son, was perhaps one of his most audacious of Sultan Iskandar’s assaults. In that particular case Sultan Iskandar sexually molested the woman at the Causeway in 1968 under the pretext of body searching her for contraband.

How could anyone forget the brutal and senseless murder of Sultan Iskandar’s caddie, a young man beaten to death by the Sultan/ Agung in a fit of rage with a golf club? In that matter he, Sultan Iskandar literally got away with murder.

Crude, savage, criminal and barbaric are not strong enough words to describe this family of misfits. Afraid to incur the wrath of the Sultan’s rage, journalists in Malaysia do themselves a disservice by remaining silent over the Johor royal’s repetitive misconduct in private and in public life.

What the Johor Sultans, their siblings and mistresses engage in in public and in private is intolerable and un Islamic. It is an insult and an affront to the Malay culture. It is an insult to the name of the Prophet (PBUH) and to his teachings in Islam.

The Johor royals must go and go now. This is the 21st century. If government does not remove them, then their continued existence as a royal family may well provide the impetus foreign NGO’s require to destabilize the nation. And that destabilization will spread like the flu into Malaysia’s southern neighbour Singapore.

THREATS OF SEPARATISM TMJ’S threats to secede from the federation do not bode well for the future of Johor which owes its prosperity to the centre at Putrajaya.

It is time the centre (Putrajaya) reined in the Sultan of Johor and his entire family and did another Mahathir on them going a lot further than Mahathir this time round.

The present day Johor royals are not the descendants of the true original rulers of Johor. They are merely descendants of those pretenders to the throne the British favoured for their willingness to sell Singapore (an integral part of Johor) to the British in the 1800’s.

Putrajaya has all the cards in its hands. It could effectively by decree end the Sultan’s reign in Johor, declare a state of emergency in the state and send the army in. Parliament could remove their titles, end the privy purse and the sultanate itself by an act of parliament and place the entire family under house arrest indefinitely or banish them abroad.

Parliament does not need a majority to do what it has to do in this regard. If the Agung refuses his consent to such a move, then there are other ways by which the decree to abolish the Johor royal household and the dynasty could still become law and be enforceable. The Johor sultanate has outlived its usefulness and is a very real threat to national security, the legitimacy of the Sultans and an unmitigated threat to political and social stability.

If the Sultan does not rein in the Tunku Makhota immediately, the excesses of this young prince and his entire family will become a lightning rod for growing anti-royalist sentiment in Malaysia.

THE END OF THE ROAD? A prominent human rights lawyer based in London has been tailing and documenting the criminal history of the Johor royal household for at least 5 years now. He stands ready to strike against specific individual members of the Johor royal family first. They include the Sultan himself wherever and whenever he or his family step outside Malaysian jurisdiction. The contemplated action will be enforced if criminal complaints filed against the Johor royal family and each of its errant members is not acted upon by authorities in Malaysia.

The London lawyer once worked closely with his colleagues to secure the detention of the late Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochette in the UK over a decade ago.

The lawyer plans to serve process on the Johor royals and have them detained then brought to trial on human rights abuses if the government of Malaysia will not act on the numerous complaints brought against the Johor royals to date.

Amongst the charges and complaints filed against the Johor royals are the disappearance murder of several foreigners (women) in Rawa island resort. There are a number of more of Chinese waitresses who went missing and or who were raped and murdered at or around night clubs in Johor, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

The list of offences levelled against the Sultan, his father and his wayward children include murder, attempted murder, serious assault, rape, sexual assault, threats and intimidation, kidnapping and unlawful detention. Other offences include bribery, extortion and violence against individuals their spouses and their businesses.

FIFA BEING ASKED TO ACT FIFA (The Federation of International Football Associations) is also to be notified and served with the evidence of the Johor royals (TMJ in particular) identifying with particularity their misconduct. Such a move would compel FIFA to act against the Johor royals stripping them of any official position they or their designates or nominees may hold within FIFA or any FIFA linked organization or sports interests.

The scandal plagued FIFA can ill afford to allow TMJ and his family to further taint the organization after the decades long controversies surrounding the former FIFA board headed by Zep Blatter.

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aerodea wsi

👌👍, exposé it to public & let all know about it

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