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Writer's pictureHussein Abdul Hamid

Rich? Yes!...but these Malays are not on the Forbes list.

Forget the Lim Goh Tongs, the Yeoh Tiong Lays, or any established non-Malay business dynasty with old money - that's wealth generated, sustained, and passed through families over multiple generations.

Forget about any corrupt MCA and MIC politicians who are wealthy with new money…those who didn’t inherit their wealth but got it by stealing from our national coffers…from the rakyat.

If you want to talk about wealth, the Malays are absolutely the richest people in Malaysia today.

But these Malays are not on the Forbes list.

These Malays have got more money than they can think of spending.

The best restaurants in town are fully booked. All designer items are out of stock!! Ostentatious consumption is everywhere. A Hermes Bag a day keeps fat old ladies gay, kan? Dispatching a Heli to get Nasi Bungkus from your favorite food store a few hundred miles away from home on a whim, is nothing out of the ordinary. Hitch a ride in your heli to go menjala ikan in your old village pond? That is the weekend thing to do. Thats how rich some Malays are.

All of them in “business”. All politically linked. What business? The only business model they know how to do..... Ali Baba, government contracts, cronyism, rent seeking, scams, stealing, plundering and pillaging government coffers. Give them a plot at the Wet Market, and I doubt if they can sell anything properly.

Everything is easy money. Even profiting from the pandemic is kosher.

But, for the rakyat, no food on the table. No roof over their heads. Kais pagi makan pagi dah tak ada lagi. They depend on charity for their needs. On handouts so that their children will not go to sleep hungry.

Palm oil has been replaced by housing. Housing that is unaffordable to Malaysians. Real idiots. You can’t change agriculture to buildings. No vegetables in the market. Imagine there’s no petrol at the highway petrol stations!

This is bad governance and bad government. At least handle the economy, not just sapu!

But all our pleas for relief and help, falls on deaf ears. Among our lawmakers hubris rules. Among those who should have the rakyat’s interest at heart, only greed and talk about “kuasa penuh” and “jangan persoal” what they do!

I persoalkan what they do. I ‘ptui’ the kuasa penuh that they talk about. So should you.

Last night I asked a friend, “Are you not risking being a person of interest to Bukit Aman by posting the Dollah article I wrote?” And back came the retort, “If everyone is cowed, we would just remain the same. No changes. We can’t just be silenced”.

And we should not be silenced. You should not be silent.

If I post anything on that Convicted Felon, on Dollah or Mr Sultan Down South, and you agree with what I write….share my posting anyway you can. Give me a ‘like’ on the article. The powers that be monitors what I write. The Royals know what I write. They keep track if you guys are reading what I write. Let them know that you read what I write. If I get 10K hits on an article, they know. If I get 50K hits on an article, they know. So let them know what we do. One click from you, repeated 100K by others, makes for a strong message to these arrogant, greedy and corrupt bastards.

So Malays, Chinese, Indians,Sikh,Kadazan, Dayaks and the others…we are all in this together. I am one. With you, we are two. Who else will join us?

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2 comentários

Alfred lim
Alfred lim
09 de mai. de 2022

Better still...publish a complete series of book....state by state....from pre year 1957....all their dealings, assets, homes & lifestyles (documentary proof-where possible) to speed up Republic Malaysia....🍻🍻🍻


08 de mai. de 2022

I absolutely agree with your paragraph 7th ....perfect.

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