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Peyamun - DIA. Pencuri -DIA. Penyagak : DIA. Penipu : DIA. Perasuah : DIA. Ptui!

Writer: Hussein Abdul HamidHussein Abdul Hamid

Selama 9 tahun dari tahun 2009 hingga 2018..

👉 DIA lah Perdana Menteri Malaysia

👉 DIA lah Menteri Kewangan Malaysia

👉 DIA lah Pengerusi Lembaga Penasihat 1MDB

👉 HE is the Prime Minister of Malaysia

👉 HE is the Minister of Finance of Malaysia

👉 HE is the Chairman of the 1MDB Advisory Board

👉 HE is the Founder of 1MDB

👉 HE has the absolute power to approve any investment and financial commitment 1MDB

👉 HE has the authority to appoint all Members of the Advisory Board, Board of Directors, Senior Management, Investment and Finance Officers, Advisors, Audit Company, Consultants and Lawyers 1MDB

👉 HE appointed Jho Low as Special Advisor

👉 HE who appointed Mohd Hazem as CEO of 1MDB

👉 HE who appointed Shahrol Halmi as CEO of 1MDB

👉 HE who appointed Arul Kanda as CEO of 1MDB

👉 HE is the one who appointed Jasmine Loo, Casey Tang, Terence Geh and many more Jho Low in management of 1MDB

👉 HE who approved tens of billions of loans by 1MDB

👉 HE is the one who approved the deal with Petrosaudi Limited

👉 HE who approved the deal with Aabar Investments

👉 HE made a deal with Goldman Sachs officer

👉 HE who approved billions of payments to Jho Low's Goodstar Limited

👉 HE who approved the payment of tens of billions to fake Aabar

👉 SHE released Jasmine Loo, Casey Tang and others from BNM wanted list

👉 DIA who prevented the revaluation of JV investment assets with Petrosaudi Limited

👉 HE is the one who stopped anyone from investigating billions of SRC money looted to Switzerland

👉 HE who does not care about the instructions of BNM and the Board of Directors of 1MDB so that the investment money HE paid to Goodstar is brought home to Malaysia

👉 HE who failed to prove RM2.6 billion is a donation from Arabs.

👉 HE who cheated in Parliament allegedly billions of Just Units investment has been fulfilled and is at BSI Bank of Singapore

👉 HE who has been the Prime Minister admitted that 1MDB money hasn't been lost even in a session and every cent has been audited.

👉 HE who disbanded Task Force to investigate 1MDB case

👉 HE who appointed and changed the PAC Chairman

👉 HE is the one who changed the Head and Director of SPRM

👉 HE is the one who fired the Attorney General

👉 HE made the confession denied by BNM Governor

👉 HE who appointed a new BNM Governor who follows HIS instructions.

👉 HE appoints the Chief of Police who failed to prepare at least one case of investigation against 1MDB

👉 HE appoints Apandi Ali new Attorney General who released HIM from any charges

👉 DIA appoints Dato Dzulkifli new SPRM Chief who conspired with the Attorney General to reveal the results of SPRM investigation against DIA

👉 HE let Jho Low and his own kids free as long as HE becomes PM

👉 HE ordered that the CEO and Director of SRC, Nik Faisal and Mohd Suboh, get away from the PAC investigation and run away from the country.

👉 HE arrested and locked up individuals and lawyers who made a police report against HIM in relation to the 1MDB case

👉 HE changes 3 international audit firms that refuse to manipulate 1MDB audit report

👉 HE rejects 1MDB fund breach report by DOJ, MAS, FINMA, JAN and PAC (outside and inside the country).

👉 HE gifted 1MDB officers who follow the instructions of DIA and Jho Low with millions of salaries and high positions.

👉 HE has never taken legal action or investigated a single DIA appointed officer who was found involved in the 1MDB scandal.

There is still a long list of what this Robber has done to be listed during those 9 years until HE fell down and was dragged to court. About what he did and did not do, hindering and un hindering all is not in line with HIS denial that HIS claim that he innocent. HUH!

Everyone else is wrong but HIM

HE is the only one right.

Judge says HE is a disgrace to the country!



Copyright © Hussein Hamid | STEADYAKU47. All rights reserved.

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