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Bahawa Tuanku Sultan pernah menitahkan supaya perkara ini diselesaikan....

Writer's picture: Hussein Abdul HamidHussein Abdul Hamid

How many times have you come across a titah, orders, and instructions from the Sultan, the Prime Minister, his Ministers, or others in positions of power and authority in which we are told that 'they" want this or that to be done? And that command or directive comes to us via their "orang suruhan" - be they secretaries, personal assistant, political secretaries, or anyone who insist that they are the conduit via which those orders and instructions are given?

YB wants this, Tan Sri wants that. Datuk says that he wants it done without delay...ecetera ecetera ecetera. Whether these instructions are genuine or just a figment of the imagination of that individual is questionable - but most times, that feudal mindset that we Malaysians are burdened with, simply accepts them as the gospel truth.

Who is to question the Political Secretary of a Minister if he says the Ministers wants the project to be awarded to anyone or to any company?

We have seen "surat kuning" from the Istana purporting to support the appointment of an individual to public office or in support of a anything that will benefit someone at the expense of meritocracy and not giving a level playing field to others who are also in the race for the project or for that appointment to a public office?

How powerful is the ' surat kuning", or any of these 'sokong' letters that must be obeyed?

A few days back we saw a letter with Muhyiddin "sokong" to a company he says he does not know for a "runding terus" project under the Jana Wibawa program. That "sokong" from the PM overrides any "bantahan" from anybody, any authority to not give the contract to the company "sokong" by Muhyiddin. It must have made a considerable profit for the contractors - and for that 'sokong' letter from the PM, the contractor will surely be grateful. How grateful? Grateful enough to donate generously to the PM's political war chest? Maybe......fortunes have been made and lost because of those 'surat kuning' and 'sokong letters'. It is time PMX made it known that his administration will no longer terima these sokongan, surat kuning or any titah di Raja if the sokongan, surat kuning or titah is for financial gains. Enough said.

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Feb 25, 2023

Proper rendering process will stop all this nonsense.


All this bloody nonsense should stop from now onwards with PMX.


Feb 24, 2023

It has become the Malaysian culture….. It’s not WHAT you know; it’s WHO you know and how connected you are to the TOP GUNS.

Johan Taharin
Johan Taharin
Feb 25, 2023
Replying to

Prime ministers get these letters in the hundreds per month. Their response are always the same ' minta pegawai semak dgn kementrian yg berkenaan'.

The proposal will then be passed to the pegawai in the ministry yg berkenaan.

Thereafter the ministers yg berkenaan will bring the matter to cabinet if it meets the required specifications and price. Probably five or six shortlisted ones.

The cabinet is the one that approve.

It is not pmx alone or any other pm that approve it. It is their cabinet. All this of course after PAC validate it.


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