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Writer's pictureHussein Abdul Hamid

3 Royals & UMNO - an Unholy Alliance of Vested Interests, Greed and Carnal Pleasures!

Are we to see an alignment of Royal's and Umno’s interests in order to secure PRU15 for the Malays?

Let me rephrase that question to reflect the realities of the moment.

Is Dollah Pendek, Mr. Sultan Down South, and that ex-King who abdicated because of a temporary conjugal alliance with a Russian mistress to satisfy his lust....are the three of them forming a dastardly alliance of vested interests with the Umno Court Cluster, to secure the state capture of our nation for their own selfish ends?

It seems that we are heading that way now, are we not?

In recent times, I have watched with despair and contempt how the Umno Court Cluster have, with much money and promises of more money to come, enticed Dollah King and that equally greedy Mr. Sultan Down South, into their web of deceit. They hope for there to be an alliance of the Malays and the Royals demi kepentingan Bangsa, Ugama dan Negara.

If truth be told, there is no “demi kepentingan Bangsa, Ugama dan Negara” involved in anything that they do!

There is no Ketuanan Melayu to pertahankan nor saved.

The propagation and spread of Islam are far from their minds.

And saving the country? Huh….the country only needs to be saved from the clutches of these corrupt Umno Court Cluster and those three despicable, greedy, and randy Royals.

It is merely a convenient alliance of vested interests for sex, money, and illicit political power to enable them to get more money, more sex, and more illicit political power!

More of the Illicit and illegal sex that the three Sultans from Pahang, Johor and Kelantan have been indulging in for most of their sordid lives. More ill-gotten gains for the Umno Court Clusters and other politicians of their genre. And if, or when, the politicians can spare some of that ill-gotten gains, a few crumbs will be thrown the way of those three Royals.

Am I being harsh and unreasonable in making these accusations?


A king asked a convicted felon to dinner. Mr. Sultan Down South haughtily installs his own lapdog of a Menteri Besar. And that Sultan on the East Coast is upset with his brother rulers for his ousting, and he is still lusting for the many millions once funneled his way by Umno during his time as King.

The Umno Court Cluster is growing increasingly desperate as judgment day nears…not only for the Convicted Felon….but for every one of those corrupt politicians in Umno. What the three tainted Royals and the Umno Court Cluster want for themselves are only possible with a political solution! Long story short, the Umno led Barisan Nasional must win PRU15 or we, the rakyat and Pakatan Harapan, will tar and feather every one of them…including the three wayward Sultans.

That alone is a good enough reason for the unholy alliance between the wayward Royals and the Umno Court Cluster.

Enough said.

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4 comentarios

Teres Saint
Teres Saint
05 jun 2022

Beauty aside she is much more relevant and knowledgeable with today's era compared to the old guards who should have given way to the younger people like her since yesterday period. Much has been wasted and lost without the young leaders. The old guards are totally irrelevant.

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Mohd Salleh
Mohd Salleh
05 jun 2022

Father, mother and daughter indebted to PAS leaders.

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Johan Taharin
Johan Taharin
05 jun 2022

'Past' king sends his Tengku Termenggong to attend rulers conference.He is too stoned to be of consequence.'Future' king is dealing with Ekovest Bhd for the rgt4bil RTS project.He is not Zahid friendly.'Current' king will be biggest beneficiary on a deal that may put Zahid out of power.The rest of Raja Melayus listen to the advise of Sultan of Perak.Kings aside,88 seats PH and 51 seats PN will not support the dissolution of parliament if the 42 seats BN decide to withdraw from current government.The King will ask why dissolve when his government have the support of the people,even from PH?PH will then have ample time to build strength to win GE 15 next 9 months if Anwar let Izzah be…

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