Selamat Pagi Malaysia.
Malaysia’s third-generation leaders, after Merdeka, are ready to make their entrance into the political arena at PRU15. Ignore them to your peril! Are they ready to do government? Huh…have you already forgotten that you were once young? Have you forgotten your impatience as you were told to wait your turn while those older than you were allowed their pick of the best seats in any gatherings?
Did you not remember that once, when you were young, were you not told to wait and grow up a bit more before you think yourself clever enough to comment on the fault of others? Remember that rebuke you got from your parents when you told them that you think yourself old enough to be able to decide whether you wanted to do science or arts at school and their reply was….we know what is best for your future?
Let me share with you what happened yesterday. At breakfast, I had my Short Black ready with the usual toast and butter on the side, and I wanted Strawberry Jam on my toast. Got the bottle of Jam from the fridge but could not open the lid. Strawberry Jam is not our favorite thing to have on any given morning, and the lid, not being opened for some time, was stuck. Without thinking, I called out to my son “Zach can you open this for me”…and he did. The young helping the old.
Now we, the old and the not so old, in Malaysia, need the young to help us get out of the mess we are now in. The mess that the second generation of political leaders has got our nation into. The mess that we older adults are, in various degrees, responsible for.
Are the young ready to do government? Hell, they better be if we send them to Putrajaya at PRU15! And why are we sending them to Putrajaya?
As the song “Young At Heart” says…
Fairy tales can come true
It can happen to you if you’re young at heart
For it’s hard, you will find
To be narrow of mind if you’re young at heart
You can go to extremes with impossible schemes
You can laugh when your dreams fall apart at the seams
And life gets more exciting with each passing day….
Five million young voters are coming on to the electoral roll come PRU15. These are extraordinary NUMBERS that, on their own, give STRENGTH to the young to start the process of RENEWAL that our nation and our people need to ensure that the generation that comes after us will have a better Malaysia than the one we have had in these last few decades. Decades when our nation has been consigned to the depths of despair and wretchedness as corruption, arrogance, and hubris by those who should know better, have made our nation the pariah nation in our region, if not the world.
Though PRU15 is still months away, the young are already among us, eager, willing, and ready to take their place at the front, in our march towards Putrajaya. I ask you all to let the young lead. I want the young to lead, but, in leading, I want the young to remember two words. HUMILITY and GRACE. Keep those two words in mind in everything that you do, and all will be well.
Now onwards towards Putrajaya. Lawan mesti lawan!
Hussein Hamid
16th February 2022
Orang MUDA ada semangat, ada pengetahuan dan ada kebijaksanaan... yg pasti kurang... PENGALAMAN... Usia membuat insan menjadi Matang melalui pengalaman... Ibarat KATA Peribaha Bahasa Melayu... DUDUK dulu sebelum BERLUNJUR agar punggung TIDAK sakit... Semoga orang MUDA sedia terima nasihat dari mereka yg lebih berpengalaman dan faham SEPAK TERAJANG dalam DUNIA POLITIK.. tidak ada yg KEKAL selama nya.. yg patah TUMBUH, yg hilang BERGANTI..
Will the 5 million young people go out to vote? Our present leaders who are fearful of their fate if they lose will do their best to discourage them. Do our young people understand what will happen to the nation and to them if there is no change? We need young leaders to reach out to them, to inspire them to want to make the change happen. That is why the Rafizis, Nuruls, Syed Saddiqs, Hannah Yeohs, Fahmi Fadzils, Yeoh Bee Yins, and all the people who are our future are so important. Our hopes are with you.