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Selamat Pagi PMX...a new day dawns!

Writer: Hussein Abdul HamidHussein Abdul Hamid

Life, is a matter for which each and every one of us will have to live : some with hope, some without. Some of us will look eagerly to the morning, impatiently waiting for the day to unfold, for the dawn holds for some of us, more than hope - a new day brings with it possibilities, new beginnings and the hope that lessons learned yesterday, will spur you on to greater and better things today.

We, in Malaysia today, are now privileged, every day, to have a brand new day to live, a brand new day to be better and do better things for ourselves, for our loved ones and...most crucially...for our future and the future of fellow Malaysians and Malaysia! We are where we dreamed we should be and where we want to be before PRU14 and before PRU15. We are in control of our life. We are in control of our destiny. Malaysia is ours again!

I am now into my second week of being back in Malaysia after an absence of twelve years. Confusion and bewilderment at the pace of change and circumstance, are now beginning to take some semblance of order, structure and clarity. No time for nostalgia. I need to move forward. Slowly and sometimes reluctantly, my tired and settled 75 year old self, is beginning to walk lock step with that man who is the cause and reason for our nations resurgence. The man who dares to proclaim that there will be no tolerance for corruption. The man who dares to walk into the lion den that is Kelantan, Terengganu and the other States that are not "with us" and exudes his charm offensive among the people of these "not with us" states and he come out the conquering hero.....loved by these new friends for the manner he had walked boldly into their midsts and extended his hand of friendship. And in return, these "not with us" states are now beginning to realize that there is now another way, another possible better future to their miserable existence... and most heartening of all, there is a new leader.

The man who is the cause and reason for our nations resurgence is Anwar Ibrahim. PMX.

We would all have had the experience of stumbling into the kitchen in the early hours of the morning to get a drink from the fridge to serve the thirst that sometimes troubles us when the nights are too hot. Switch on the lights and what do you see? Cockroaches and sometimes rats scampering away into the darkness to escape from the light that exposes their dastardly deeds of stealing and taking our food to feed themselves....and once we know that the rats and cockroaches have been able to get at our food...we throw out the contaminated food lest these diseases plagued cockroaches and rats leave those diseases to contaminate us.

There are many many cockroaches and rats among us who have contaminated our lives and our future by stealing from us, our daily bread. These rats and cockroaches are even so bold as to do their stealing in daylight thinking that by their numbers, they will prevail.....and prevailed they did until recently. Until our PMX switched on that light that have since exposed these cockroaches and rats for what they are : thieves, robbers and scoundrels that have been robbing our nation blind even as they tell us that what they do is for King and country. And having now been exposed by PMX, these rats and cockroaches are now running Helter Skelter with no where to hide.

Their time is over...and their end nears. We can now with confidence and a sense of justice tell each other...yes crime does not pay. Najib is in Kajang. Rosmah is shitting bricks wondering when her time to serve time will come. And others of their genre know that the fat lady is about to sing.

It is now 4.53 am and I am in KL, somewhere in Jalan Ampang close to the Risda Hq and I am sharing with you guys what is in my heart. Hope and joy. The hope that our PMX has rightly placed and given to many many of our people that the future can be good for them, and joy in my heart that I do know that PMX from many many years back... and that, if we meet again, what we will talk about will be those wonderful days in KK, about the friends that have left us, about the friends that are still with us, about family and...if time permits...maybe about the Malaysia that he, as PMX, have made Malaysians dare to want and work for.

It is now just on 5am. About an hour ago I have politely asked another MCOBA working on "urusan negara" to cease and desists working on his Laptop and get some sleep. Now it is time to lay me down to sleep.

Malaysia and Malaysians...our time is NOW. Carpe Diem. Seize the moment. Let us, together with our PMX, strike boldly towards our rights and destiny - OUR MALAYSIA. OUR FUTURE. We will prevail!


C.k. Foo
C.k. Foo
May 17, 2023


May 17, 2023

God bless Malaysia 🇲🇾


May 15, 2023

PMX has achieved plenty in 6 months and promised more for the extremed poorRakyat even to resolved drinking water issues in Kelantan and Sabah amongst others within this year..

Took the difficult decision to close the Long standing Allah issue which requires gumption of extraordinary proportion esp with PRM next month. What gusto of a leader💪expect a little chaos but PDRM is ready to maintain peace and hope the potential trouble makers take heed.

Enjoy your days HH, in Beloved Malaysia.


Copyright © Hussein Hamid | STEADYAKU47. All rights reserved.

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