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Writer's pictureHussein Abdul Hamid

Why are they still in Politics?

Tun Mahathir, Najib, Muhyiddin and that other prime minister whose name escapes me, why are they all still in politics? Why are their waking hours spent trying to win back the political power that they once had? They were all prime ministers once...or twice, as in the case of Tun. What unfinished business do they still have to do that they did not do while they were prime minister?

Have they not finish their work in trying to unite the people of Malaysia? Do they still need time to complete the task of nation building? Are they still trying to do ALLAH's work for ALLAH? Is their work for Islam still not done?

None of the above! These ex-prime minister and other politicians, who have been voted out of office, want to get back into office because of one thing and one thing only. Money. Political power, in Malaysia, invariably means wealth. Wealth for ex-prime minister, wealth for politicians, and wealth for anyone closely or remotely linked or connected to these politicians. Politics in Malaysia is an industry that churns out money. And right now a lot of people in this "political industry" have lost their jobs. And even those who have hoarded vast sums of money during their time in this "political industry" are worried about their future and the future of those that depend on them to put food on their table. They are all worried about what they will do, once those hundreds of millions hoarded by them, are gone.

They are worried because this Unity government, led by PMX, is doing things differently...not yet perfectly as we would want government to be done...but differently. For the better!

If you people think that because of your family connections, political connections, because of who you are, because of who you know, because you are of a certain race, a certain religion, because you have money, because of all the warped sense of entitlements that has become part of your DNA...because of all these "advantages" you will have a considerable advantage over others who do not have the same plus as you have....think again!

Anwar Ibrahim is doing things differently.

Who you know may help to get you through to some Ministers and even to Anwar himself, but what you tell them, what you propose to do, the projects that you are trying to get approved, the opportunities and business you are seeking, and trying to promote...they better pass muster.

Gone are the days when a "Saya Sokong" from the PM or a Minister, scribbled on any project paper submitted to EPU or any government department, will get you automatic approval for your submission. Today, nothing gets past PMX and those tasked with ensuring good governance, unless what is being proposed is good for the people of Malaysia and for Malaysia.

Of course, if those tasked with ensuring good governance have somehow been got to by unscrupulous individuals, then PMX will have a problem, but these lapses are rare. Checks and balances are being put into place to try and ensure that these probabilities are minimized. And most critical and important, there is the political will, from PMX, to stop corruption.

We, ordinary mortals, are watching and monitoring every politician that has been elected to office. We are watching and monitoring their success and failures. We are adding up the good things that they do and the bad. Likewise, we know how often they make promises that they break, and how often they make promises that they keep. And all this information is available on the Net and shared between many Malaysians in numbers that will make a difference the next time they stand for elections - at the state or Federal level.

The time has come for us to tell these rogue politicians what we want them to do. They must follow our directions. It is not their place to tell us that we cannot speak about this or that. It is not their place to tell us what we can and cannot discuss. Not only that, but it is not their place to tell us that if we voice out our opinion, write articles and sebarkan articles and news that we think every other Malaysian should know, we will be considered a threat to National security and that we will be arrested.

If they are still rogue politicians who are insisting on doing this, then we will do something about it.

They seem to forget that we let them become politicians. They seem to forget that in the final analysis, it is not about parties or political persuasion. It is now about politicians versus us the people. Yes, they may think that once they are elected to office at this PRN, they are safe. They may think that once the PRU is over, and they are elected to office, they are safe for another five years. No, they are not. They might forget, but we will not.

We good people of Malaysia, together with this PMX of ours who has demonstrated through words and deeds that he has the political will to rid our nation of corruption, we must together move forward towards a shared hope: That Malaysia will be rid of rogue politicians who indulge in the industry of politics, for financial gain. Enough said.

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5 comentários

06 de ago. de 2023

But in the meantime, how does one deal with the racial and religious cards that are still being dealt by PAS and its cohorts to the majority electorate who laps it all up, voting for “leaders” for all the wrong reasons. For every liberal Malay I have met, there are 10 more who continue to put race and religion ahead of national interests. Regrettably, there is no short cut to educating the population that religion is between the individual and his maker and it is hard work, knowledge and integrity that puts bread on the table for all. Race? We need to abolish the concept altogether so that everyone is Malaysian, whatever the cultural and ancestry origins. Am I a…


Ting Kiong Tee
Ting Kiong Tee
06 de ago. de 2023


Ting Kiong Tee
Ting Kiong Tee
06 de ago. de 2023


06 de ago. de 2023

When one is no longer in position, no one gives a @&$# about you.


Alfred lim
Alfred lim
06 de ago. de 2023

It's NOT about the money ....when stop working body starts dying.....their ego still functioning and don't want to pay medical bills ...🤣🤣🤣

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