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The country is ok.

From a Melbourne distance, I use to see Malaysia from the perspective of the lurid headlines and selected stories highlighted by vested...

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29 abr

Just came here, for yet another time, to see if there's a post by Tuan Hussein, that he might have planned to publish an article posthumously. Good night, good sir. Sleep well.

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Unfortunately, do as little say, not as l do hegemony always prevail!

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Gudie 11
Gudie 11
28 mar

& while we sock ourselves silly with sox, Saudi will go universal in the Miss Universe Contest 👑 👸 👑

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In the first instance the worker who found the socks should alert his manager or management instead of making a police report. Mistakes occur in any businesses. So maybe training was lacking.

Wrt umno, very disappointed with their reaction. Their main focus should be the economy, prosperity and wealth creation. Plus protecting individual civil rights. Putting race and religion on top turns this country into a fascist theocracy.

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