You have to believe that DSAI has our interests at heart. You have to hope that there is the political will within him to do what is ethical, good, and right for Malaysians and Malaysia. And you have to depend on the righteousness of his cadre of political leaders that are in his cabinet to put country before self and to commit themselves to making the best of what we now have in order to ensure that the future for our people and the generations to come after us, will look upon the time that we are now living in, as the era when all things good for Malaysian were made possible because we all, leaders and followers, have done our part to make it so. And I know, as an observer of what we are all now doing to make all this happen....both our leaders and ourselves....I know, without a doubt, that we have all not done enough, and we need to take responsibility for not doing so.
Reality has its limits. We will need much imagination to think ourselves out of our present malaise.
Never in the short history of our nation have our people been more divided and more uncertain of their future than they are now. It has been a long time since we all sat together watching, cheering, and urging our national team to win against another it football, squash, badminton, swimming, or any sport.
When was the last time we had a Mokhtar Dahari, the Towkay, Arumagam and Santokh - to name a few - who brought glory and fame to our nation and united our people collectively when we all sat together to watch them play football? What they did on the field would be the endless topic of our conversation that day and for days to come.
Do any of you remember the outpouring of relief and love for Ghazali Shafie, the Foreign Affairs Minister, when he was found alive hours after he was declared dead in the crash of his light plane many decades ago? Malaysian let out a collective sigh of relief for his good fortune in surviving the plane crash. Today, which political leader would be able to raise within any of us, even an iota of concern if they were to meet the same fate?
Today, political parties are grasping for relevance and their leaders more so. And if the political events of the recent past are to be examined, there will not be much reason for good cheer or hope that things will change for the better.
But are things really that bad? Can hope spring eternal if not for ourselves, but at least for the generations to come? What is the reality today?
This morning I messaged a dear friend, the following:

His reply:.

And this, from another friend:


And then this comment from one of our own Budak kolet.

His credibility is in question. That's his main problem... making promises he can't even fulfill.
Yes, I too have much to say about DSAI, but this much I know about the man. He is trying! He works very very hard but is swamped with work and is highly stressed-up with a high BP. His is a thankless job, but it is not an impossible task. I really don't envy him....but all things considered...he is a breath of fresh air when compared to those who have come before him...kan!
In the midst of all this Anwar-Bashing, I am reminded of TPS: Tall Poppy Syndrome.

So what of our brother DSAI? How will he fare in these coming months...years even, as he tries to do his duty to the King, country, and us? I have no doubt that he will try his best, but to many others, his best may still not be good enough. I have one pertua when writing about our brother....yes I will not hesitate to hantam when I think he needs hantaming but it is very hard to keep hantaming him when I know that he is trying hard to not abuse the trust we have in him. And really guys, when it comes to what really matters, if that is the best that he can do, we must urge him to do better. For now, let us accept him warts and all because the alternative is too horrendous to even contemplate!
One last thing bro....maybe you should consider a good, a really good, PR team to take care of business.
Really ???
If he is the man , why did Permatang Pauh malays
turfed out his family in elections ??
Anwar is NOT the man who will reform and save Malaysia
He is the man who is trying to outdo PAS when comes to religion
Why have a Islamic rookie in charge of education ??
Why give more powers to the detested Jakim.?
Why Madani module in school?
Is this how you make Malaysia prosperous?
More religion ?
And another thing , Zahid's DNAA
Stop throwing the buck at AG
It goes higher than that
Within a short period , he has shown that
he is not PM material
A lot of talk and no walk
If Malaysia to change…