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What happens to ex PMs in Malaysia?

Writer's picture: Hussein Abdul HamidHussein Abdul Hamid

We Malaysian are not like the British or French of old who were not beyond executing or guillotining their Kings and Queens once they have been dismissed from office. In Italy, the Dictator Benito Mussolini and his mistress Petacci were executed days after their capture and their bodies were taken to Milan and left in a suburban square, the Piazzale Loreto, for a large angry crowd to insult and physically, abuse. There are other parts of the world, Romania for one, where Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu, the ex-president, and his wife, who have just been dismissed from office, were shot within days of their dismissal. General Stănculescu, who headed the team that arrested them, had already selected the spot where the execution would take place before the legal proceedings began! In Pakistan, Zulkifli Bhutto, a former president, was arrested, put on trial, and then hanged for the murder of a political opponent.

None of the above happens in Bolehland. No Sir they do not arrest past prime ministers within hours of their dismissal from office put them on trial, and within hours find them guilty, and then shoot them within days of their dismissal from office....though if truth be told, sometimes I wish they would!

Here past prime ministers are humiliated as Tunku was. Past prime ministers are condemned for, among other things, sleeping on the job, as Abang Lah was. Past Prime ministers are blamed for this and that...and rightly so Muhyiddin and Ismail Sabri were. And one ex-prime minister is arrested, put on trial, and after being found guilty, jailed. Najib Razak was.

Execution of past prime ministers in Malaysia is not only rare but has not happened (that is why it is extremely rare!) ...yet. And I think it is not bloody likely to happen because steps are already underway to abolish capital punishment. Whether that is a good or a bad thing to abolish is something you will have to decide for yourself. Suffice for me to say that in China, they shoot people for things much less than anything any of these past prime ministers have done, in or out of office. But I digress....

This morning, I want to ask this question: What are we to do with Muhyiddin and Tun? And when I say "We"...I really mean, what PMX is going to do with this two ex-PM?

Many within PMX's circle think that these two present a clear and present danger to PMX's political well-being. PMX's political survival is too harsh a word to use because, in truth, they really are no threat to PMX political survival, but if their spirit moves them, they can create mischief. Maybe age has checkmated Tun's chess-like move to have Anwar checkmate....but not so Muhyiddin.

Muhyiddin is not only a clear and present danger to himself, as evident by the things he did as PM, but riding shotgun with him is Hadi and these two are as dangerous as they come for Malaysians and Malaysia.

The powers that be had arrested Muhyiddin. They have charged him with four counts of abuse of power involving 232.5 million ringgit ($51.40 million), and two counts of money laundering involving 195 million ringgit. Unlike others before him who immediately became ill before they were brought to court, Muhyiddin was too busy thinking of how he was going to take the government from PMX, and before you can say Abracadabra, he was arrested and charged.

Like Najib, we see Abah doing a lot of fist-pumping in the air, and he uses also the old standards "I am innocent....and loud claims of "political persecution" anytime he has the media around him.

How will all this end for Abah? If you want it short and sweet - the one-word answer is "Jail". Tiada maaf bagi mu DIn the crime and you will do the time. And for all the brave front he has shown in public, there is no doubt that he already has that sinking feeling and that deepex-prime sense of hopelessness as the wheel of justice begins to roll over him. And so again we Malaysian will witness the taking down of another ex prime minister. Of course, if this can happen to this ex-prime minister, what happens when PMX become an ex?

I think PMX should think long and hard as to what he intends to do about putting checks and balances in place to ensure that prime ministers are held accountable for the things they do while in office - and that includes his...and at the same time ensure that there is a separation of power and responsibility between the Judiciary and the Executive in Malaysia. With that in place, no ex PM be the victims of current PMs who might have malice aforethought in their actions against other PMs that came before them. And so the rots stops with him - PMX. Enough said.

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Alfred lim
Alfred lim

The ONLY punishment for "eating money" / genocide is ....minimal (minions) split tongue. As for kepala/Ministry/Head of Department is.... Zhūlián jiǔzú 株连九族 ....then civil servants will be civil for the nation progress like CHINA 😂😂🤣🤣


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