Whatever the Germans, you, and history will say of Hitler, we must not forget that Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany after a series of electoral victories by the Nazi party.
Trump was elected President of the United States of America after one of the largest electoral landslide in 28 years. In 1980, Robert Mugabe was elected as President of Zimbabwe and then presided over its decline, being responsible for its economic mismanagement and widespread corruption and human rights abuses, including anti-white racism and crimes against humanity. Suharto, Pol Pot, Stalin and other murderous and corrupt leaders came into power by popular acclaim and then abused that power to enrich themselves and ruin their country in many more ways than one.
The ability of these abusive leaders to cheat, lie and scam so many of their own people, never ceases to amaze me. How gullible can people be?
Just one Hitler, one Pol Pot, one Suharto and one Robert Mugabe can cause much harm to a nation...to a race ...to the people. It will take decades before a people or a nation are able to turn back the tide of abuse and misuse of political power unleashed upon them by these leaders. History have told us that there are countries that have yet to recover from these abuses ...Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea, Sudan, Haiti...and somewhere in there is Malaysia.
Yes Malaysia!
Najib has caused our nation to have a debt of over Rm40 billion Ringgit. How many Najib's...or lesser Najib's are there in Malaysia? Let me count them...Rosmah, Azzez, Isa Samad, Mahiaddin and the list goes on. All with their snouts in the gravy trough of corruption, following in lock stepped with corrupt politicians of the Umno kind... none more greedy than Najib
Yes Malaysia!
How many Mahathir's are there? How has the Malaysian Judiciary, the Police and various other institutions and authorities been compromised by Mahathir? And how has this abused been compounded by other prime minister that came after Mahathir and other leaders in politics and government too? All complicit in setting themselves up as little napoleons to enrich themselves at the expense of the Rakyat.
Yes Malaysia!
We have had our shares of corrupt PM, Ministers, Menteri Besar's, IGP, AGs, KSU, Judges....and.....look around you....there are still among us boldly walking the corridors of power in Putrajaya, in the various States and anywhere else you can imagine. Among them are the likes of Shahidan Kassim, Mahiaddin, Hadi, Azeez and the current crème de la crème of idiots ...SANUSI of Kedah.
This guy is a cut above Shahidan Kassim from the neighboring state of Perlis - the horse riding, self-proclaimed Lothario playboy who got a few young Malay girls pregnant....and got himself fabulously rich at the same time.

Sanusi is a cut above Shahidan because unlike Shahidan who got his break into Federal Politics with the "support" of Najib who appointed him a Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Sanusi has become a cult figure in Kedah all by his own effort!
Sanusi is a no-holds-barred bully pulpit populist who challenges anything and everything without regard for the consequences. He is a Jaguh Kampong who links Indians with alcoholism and threatens to cancel the Thaipusam public holiday and suggest the demolition of Hindu temples. He has said that "none of the Chinese were asked to be circumcised in Kedah" and is not beyond boasting that Kedah's rare earth deposits were worth RM43 trillion when the real value is closer to RM62 billion.
How have Malays of the likes of Mahathir, Mahiaddin, Hadi and Sanusi, have, like oil rising above water, how have these greasy and oily political leaders risen to the top in Malaysians politics? How have hundreds and thousands, if not millions, of Malays elected them into political office? And now, with political power, what will they do?
How dumb were the Germans to have elected the Nazi party who in turn appointed Hitler to be Chancellor of Germany? How dumb are the Americans who elected Trump to be their leader? The same Trump that has just been charged with four separate criminal cases related to his business and political activities! And this question have also to be asked....how dumb are the people of Kedah...really the Malays in Kedah...who have elected Sanusi as their leader?
I cannot answer that question without upsetting a lot of Malays elsewhere in this Bolehland of theirs! These are the same Malays that have been electing those corrupt Umno politicians many times in many general elections over the last six decades. The same Malays that have put Mahathir, Mahiaddin, Hadi and Sanusi in political heaven....i.e as Yang Berhormats in Parliament and in the Dewan Negri at State level.
Is it not time that the more sensible Malays, in the big pond of insensible Malays, do something about getting these corrupt and idiotic Malay leaders out of office? Will these sensible Malays please stand up!!!!
Tabek Hormat to Pak Arshad...a sensible Malay who stands up!
The malays look at umno as a party lead by corrupted leaders. And these leaders just refuse to let go of their position. It was same under najib. And now zahid. Umno in PH is now a liability in malay areas. So they voted for lesser of two evils.
PMX, if he continues have like PAS and bersatu, will lose votes too. The malays might as well vote for the original and not a copy.
To win malay votes, you need to give a better progressive option. The ones shere mslays can see a brighter future.
All Religion will die sooner or later with the onslaught of knowledge and ideas in the internet age, just as it happened in the…
Tun Razak started it and Mahatir nurtured it
Used racism and religion to indoctrinate malays
From this on , ALL malay leaders used to it get power
and steal mega bucks from the state
ABIM and BTN did the dirty work for them
Sanusi and Hadi are enjoying the fruits from the tree
planted by Mahatir
Since Mahatir came to power , Malaysia has and is going downhill
At some point , it will reach the elevated status like Afghanistan
And we can thank Razak and Mahatir for this
And now , Madani dumbass is continuing the work
of Mahatir
Make every financial documents PM/MB/CM sign MUST have Opposition Leader/the 3 AG heads / Cabinets members/ Taxpayers Association & Civilian Ombudsperson signatories before implemented.....🤭🤭🤣🤣simple check & balance....😂😂also cannot be done....no foreskin 😤😤😤
Failure awaits those who ignore the lessons of history. Charles de Gaulle, also known as "Je suis la France," I am France and France is me. That’s arrogant and also seen in our 4th and 7th PM .
Most leaders initially have noble intentions. However, leaders like Mahathir and others have fallen into similar justifications. Once elected and in power, they tend to fill the swamp instead of draining it, going against their initial promises.
Power is intoxicating, as seen when leaders try to emulate dictators to stay in power. Rather than focusing on administrative work, these leaders often engage in self-enrichment, which can lead to disaster.
Even though those outside the political arena may be seen…