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Writer's pictureHussein Abdul Hamid


Selamat Pagi Malaysia.

We live in interesting times. There are possibilities for change. There is hope for a better, fairer and more inclusive society. There is a belief that anything is possible. A readiness to embrace new beginnings, new horizons and even new ways of doing things. Anything is possible. For as long as we dare to hope, hope itself will give us the reason to believe that the future for our children and ourselves, can be better.

With all this in mind, I made the decision to go back to KL a few months back….to see for myself …what is truth and what is fiction. Two things hit me hard in the first few days of being in KL after over a decade away.

The wealth and the poverty of the people.

Everywhere I looked I could see all the trappings of wealth. The wealth that was owned by the few. Wealth that most Malaysians could see but never dream of attaining. The ostentatious wealth that is the purview of the entitled, the privileged and the very few, jealously guarded by the very few. The wealth that offends rather than compliments any society because you see it all around you while you have nothing.

Meanwhile, besides this wealth, alongside this wealth….maybe the word to use should be among this wealth.... are the poor, the underprivileged and Malaysians living in poverty.

This great wealth and poverty, both live and exist side by side, in KL.

It degrades the poor and it does no good to the wealthy who do not seem to understand that the juxtaposing of wealth and poverty around them only creates resentment for them, from those who do not have that wealth.

But to the people living in KL….wealth and poverty is everywhere - and it becomes them. And life goes on.

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Syed Putra
Syed Putra
Nov 11, 2023

Like i said before, the nep and affirmative action benefits the already wealthy bumi elites. No so much the guys people at the bottom. By right, wealthy bumis should be excluded from NEP and affirmative action plans if wealth sharing is really the focus of attention.

But then, wealth sharing has been shown to fail in countries that implemented it.

So why are we continuing with this policy? Those bumis who are not so good in studies have mara colleges built all over the country. And all subjects are, if i am not mistaken, taught in english.


Arun Paul
Arun Paul
Nov 10, 2023



naidu simon
naidu simon
Nov 10, 2023

King Midas with the opposite touch started it

From then on it got progressively worse as

other leaders after him saw an opportunity and grasped it

to milk the system

Sungei Buloh prison contracts allegedly

Wonder who milked it ?

Unless the poor malays started ditching the 2Rs and

starting thinking about THEIR childrens future

and booting out their fake Mandelas

And embracing MERITOCRACY

And start competing and giving the Nons

a run for their money without TONGKAT affirmative policies

Then Malaysia will be NOT another Pakistan or Yemen

Otherwise , welcome to North African countries where

muslims are desperate to get to KAFFIR EUROPE scenario

Kepala Batas PHD

Food for thought !

And who gives them out ?


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