This hypocrite, dUMNO youth chief who rejects UEC (Chinese School Examination Certificate) is seen picking up his daughter who attends Chinese school. Shameless ! ! !
Yup, the Brain Drain of the Best and Brightest will NEVER BE REFORMED as along as the KETUANAN MENTALITY IS STILL THERE. And this is REGRESSING Malaysia's GDP compared to our neighbors. 20 yrs ago Vietnam's GDP was way behind Malaysia and Indonesia during Suharto's Regime had GDP 6 times lower COMPARED to Malaysia. Today Vietnam's GDP surpasses Malaysia & Indonesia under Jokowi's Reformation has CLOSED THE GDP GAP to 2.5 times. INDONESIA WITH THE LARGEST MUSLIM POPULATION IN THE WORLD, with MASSIVE RESOURCES IS GOING FULL SPEED AHEAD with the RIGHT REFORMATIVE STRATEGIES, ZERO CORRUPTION, INCLUSIVITY OF CHINESE SOCIETY, NO KETUANAN'S ARE STRIVING TO OVERTAKE MSIA IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF YEARS IN TERMS OF GDP.
This umno leader is smart. He inisist other malays attend sekolah kebangsaan and end up delivering food so that daughter will face less competiton getting good jobs in gomen or glc's or even work in Singapore.
Bloody hypocrites of the highest order and lowest possible degree.
We don't need more Ministers or Judges or Doctors orTeachers or Engineers or Auditors or Bankers or whatever .. Just Better Ones ..🥲
Yup, the Brain Drain of the Best and Brightest will NEVER BE REFORMED as along as the KETUANAN MENTALITY IS STILL THERE. And this is REGRESSING Malaysia's GDP compared to our neighbors. 20 yrs ago Vietnam's GDP was way behind Malaysia and Indonesia during Suharto's Regime had GDP 6 times lower COMPARED to Malaysia. Today Vietnam's GDP surpasses Malaysia & Indonesia under Jokowi's Reformation has CLOSED THE GDP GAP to 2.5 times. INDONESIA WITH THE LARGEST MUSLIM POPULATION IN THE WORLD, with MASSIVE RESOURCES IS GOING FULL SPEED AHEAD with the RIGHT REFORMATIVE STRATEGIES, ZERO CORRUPTION, INCLUSIVITY OF CHINESE SOCIETY, NO KETUANAN'S ARE STRIVING TO OVERTAKE MSIA IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF YEARS IN TERMS OF GDP.
When will MARDANI…
Do as l say, not as l do!!
This umno leader is smart. He inisist other malays attend sekolah kebangsaan and end up delivering food so that daughter will face less competiton getting good jobs in gomen or glc's or even work in Singapore.