Hari ini kita mulakan dengan TRUTH :

At the rate our country is going Parliament might as well pass a law to make corruption legal for MPs, ADUN. At least they wouldn't make a mockery of the law.. 😡
He made it as PM due to only one reason .... his Bin Tun Razak. Nothing else. No special or extraordinary talent or capability whatsoever...
For the sake of a few votes..he has to kowtow to his Indian Shamans.
He thinks “Lord Murugan “will help him to escape imprisonment.
The man has lost everything in the pursuit of political power, abandoning Islam n good name of his family. Dah kehilangan Maruah diri.
His next move most probably be to force early GE15 before his conviction so he can contest again. Hoping for Umno to return to power & as Umno president he'll get to be PM. Settled..
The rat is scampering into a Sewerage Hole..dug up by his Legal Labrador...Shafie Barbarossa
Most scandals in the world….Malaysia.

Best lah Malaysia ni. Urdu speaking uneducated Mamak. Work his way up UMNO leadership. Practice graft as a way of life. Lived a charmed life despite having unclosed Police Report for cases of beating up car owners in debt and repossessing their vehicle. Whole family buat kerja. Tak payah belajar tinggi. Deposit dalam Tabung.Haji. Anak2 berjuta2. Naik private jet while going thru project papers nak kutip commissions. Pakai 2 mobile phones. One for cronies. The other exclusively to answer Rosmahs call.
On logo issue : PRN Johor. PKR opts to shoot itself in the leg. Another way to look at it is that PKR and the other 2 parties are having unity problem! Kan?
Former 1MDB chief financial officer Azmi Tahir told the High Court here today that he did not meet fugitive businessman Low Taek Jho, or Jho Low, “off the road”, but as the representative of then prime minister Najib Razak in 1MDB. Jho Low was introduced to him by Najib’s principal private secretary, the late Azlin Alias.
Pantu zaman sekarang...............
."Anak.gajah dalam.cawan
Anak buaya panjat pokok
Guna Whats App untuk berkawan,
Untuk chill,gunalah Tik Tok"
I lost respect towards local professors. I know how they get PhD.