How has the rakyat been defrauded, scammed, and lied to? How has the rakyat's past, present lives been debilitatingly compromised, and their future destroyed? Let me count some of the ways.
FELDA manages the resettlement of rural poor into newly developed areas and organizes smallholder farms growing cash crops.

Former Federal Land Development Authority chairman, Isa Samad, was found guilty on nine charges of corruption involving RM3 million and sentenced to six years’ jail and a fine of RM15.45 million.
MINDEF is responsible for defense, national security, the Army, Navy, Air Force, Armed Forces, and Veterans Affairs. Billions have been lost in defense procurement scandals, corruption, fraud, and scams that were financially spectacular and massive! Misdeeds that only greed could have conjured up.
RM$500 million in commission for the purchase of submarines that did not work, and we did not need. The buying of Helis that were never delivered. The payment for battleships that were never made. Aircraft engines that went missing. These misdeeds put the life, livelihood and future of soldiers, who are prepared to die for their country, critically at risk.

Lembaga Tabung Haji, an Islamic Financial institution, provides a ‘halal’ saving facility for Muslims to save for Haji expenses to enable them to fulfill the fifth Pillars of Islam,“ - to attain Hajj. TH looks into all their needs. TH also manages investment transactions to add value to their depositors.
And then they put this ex-car salesman, as Tabung Haji's Chairman!

Investigators recovered 1.2 million ringgit in domestic and foreign currencies, jewelry and luxury watches when they raided Abdul Azeez properties. Azeez has been charged under the MACC Act of 2009 and the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism and Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act of 2001.

Trurich Resources Sdn Bhd, a plantation company, lodged a police report accusing three former Tabung officials of making misleading statements over two overpriced palm oil plantations in Indonesia. Ismee Ismail, former CEO of Tabung Haji, and two ex-chief executive officers of the fund’s plantation arm were accused of misleading the company in the purchase of the palm oil plantations.
Adi Azuan Abdul Ghani, Tabung Haji’s chief operating officer, received kickbacks in the form of a home renovation valued at 400,000 ringgits from a company that secured a project valued at 15 million ringgit from TH.
The poor settlers have been scammed. Soldiers lives have been put at risk. Muslims saving for their Haj have had their hard-earned savings stolen.
Oh, yes, …we must not forget our most precious assets: our young.
They have had what has been allocated for their education siphoned out by that despicable Rosmah Mansor - wife of the then Prime Minister. Among other misdeeds, Rosmah is facing charges that she accepted a kickback of RM$1.2 million to help a company secure a project providing solar power generators to schools.
The education of our young has been massively compromised at all levels by successive inept Education Ministers unable to grasp the monumental task and responsibility of educating our young to make them ready to contribute their all towards making our nation and our people into ONE nation, ONE Malaysia. A rot that has had generations to fester…and a rot that will take generations to heal.
Who is now left to be scammed but the aged and the very young! The young who are yet of school-going age!
It is hard to scam the Old because not much has been done by the powers that be to alleviate their sufferings and provide for the welfare of those among them who are in need. Not much money there to be scammed by the politicians.
What about the young who are not yet of school-going age? Knowing of their greed, this much I can say about those obnoxious politicians: give them time and the opportunity - they will think of something!
Enough said!
Hussein Hamid
17th February 2022
The old can and have been scammed too. With withdrawals from KWSP and KWAP, with using pension funds to purchase worthless assets and to bailout failing companies, and allowing withdrawals as support during hard times instead of govt providing aid.