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Writer's pictureHussein Abdul Hamid

The real fight will be among the Malays. Non-Malays & Non-Muslims Are Irrelevant?


By 2050 Malaysia will have only 10-15% Non Muslims & Non-Malays.

The Real Fight in Malaysian Politics is always between the Malays and not the Non Malays.

The Fight for the Malay Rights will be a Non-Issue in the near future.

Don't forget that Malaysian Chinese and Indians today only comprise 25% of the Total Population and this percentage is fast dropping. In 10 Years time, it may be only 20% and in 15 Years from now, only 15%. 😰 Because of Emigration and Lower Birth Rate, the Non Malay Population is Shrinking Fast.😰

So, whether you pay attention to Malay Rights or not, in 10 Years' time, it will become a Non-Issue. They don't even have to debate that matter with you as it becomes a Non-Issue, whether you like it or not!

The route to for Non Malays, your Future Well -Being is to Be Strong on your Own Merits. Malay Rights will become irrelevant.

By then, we will be begging the issue of Minority Rights.... like the Blacks in America!

No Equal Rights will be there for Non Malays presently, more so in 10 to 15 Years' time.

Your only hope is to Be Strong on your Own Right !!!

That's why I say, We must become Strong on Our Own Merits.

Educate Yourself, Improve Your Skills make yourself Needed and Important to earn your Universal Rights in any country.

You can then be Respected and Welcomed Anywhere You Go, Thus earning your Universal Rights.

Then the reality is this :

In 20 Years' time (and that's a short time), the debate in Malaysia will be between the Muslim Fundamentalists (PAS) and the Muslim Liberals (perhaps UMNO, PKR, AMANAH, PPBM, etc).... forget about MCA, Gerakan, DAP.

Today, UMNO is happily talking and working with PAS without even discussing with MCA& MIC Why? Because MCA & MIC are already Unimportant to them.

In 20 Years' time, the Chinese and Indians in Malaysia will become Unimportant and Irrelevant to the Malays, Politically!

So, Get Prepared Do you know that at one time, the Chinese and Indians made up to 50% of Malaysian Population? What's it now?

So, the question of Malay Rights will not be a question anymore in 10 to 15 years' time.

It will become more a question of Minority Rights --- like the Ethnic Asians in the US, Europe, Australia, Canada, etc. It will no longer be a question anymore because we will become an even Smaller Minority. Take It or Leave It .... that will be the new reality!

At least in the West there is Human Rights to protect the Minority while in Malaysia there is None.

So, you can only Make Yourselves Strong .... One way or another.

Like the Jews, If Not, you will continue to Lag Behind, not only in Malaysia but anywhere in the world! Educate Your Children too on the above matter.

Prof. Dr. Jayaprakash.

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3 commenti

naidu simon
naidu simon
15 nov 2023

They will be the majority and the malays will

be fighting over what ?

By then Malaysia will be another Afghanistan

following current trajectory

The Borneo states might become independent

And we can see what is happening in Afghanistan

We already have some glimpses of this in Langakawi

By the way , how will they replace sin taxes and direct

taxes as nons population shrinks.??

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Alfred lim
Alfred lim
15 nov 2023

Even the Professor also dont understand lies of Statistical figures taken as gospel truth and then infer his PHD intelligence.....☕️☕️☕️

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Syed Putra
Syed Putra
15 nov 2023

Nep and affirmative action are not part of malay specila privilege as these were implemented in the 1970's.

On the population, 25 % are east malaysians which are bundled under bumiputras with maybe 20% or less non bumis. But does it look like it on the ground? Even in kelantan with so few non bumis it looks fine and dandy. The towns are non bumi built and developed and outskirts mostly bumis.

But of course, losing non bumi population means country lose in terms of economic wealth amd efficiency. Things they do not teach in schools such as communication skills and service. Hence we are treated like pests when we go to a fast food restaurant. Irritants. We are interrupting…

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