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Writer's pictureHussein Abdul Hamid

The past is crumbling. The systems to replace them do not yet exist!

"DSAI has claimed the right to rule based on the idea of reformation. So far I have yet to see a significant move to make the reformation happen. True there have been many plans and initiatives proclaimed in speeches and launchings. But things do not just happen just because the leader says it. The journey to action takes many steps and, most of all depends on what the leader does, not what he says. He has to ensure that the delivery system is up to the mark"

Malaysian voters are finicky, unprincipled, over-emotional and sentimental...and DSAI's political fortunes depend on them! The field of political analysis is highly-specialised and I do not have the data nor the structured analysis to make a good judgement on DSAI political future.

The concerns of the rakyat are the same as those that have occupied our development efforts since independence from British colonialism. These are food, water, shelter, education, health, security etc.

Now to all that, we have to add things like geo-political instability and uncertainty, which will exacerbate the situation.

In his speeches, PMX has invoked the idea of post-normal times - it is the in-between period where the misdeeds, abuse, corruption and excesses of public office of the past have been rejected by the rakyat. However, the change that the rakyat demanded is yet to be put in place. Very few things seem to make sense. Complexity, chaos and contradiction are our new operating model until such times when a new set of norms becomes widely accepted by the rakyat.

Why is the notion of post-normal times important?

It is important because all human systems that were built in the past are crumbling. The systems to replace them do not yet exist. In the transition, we are facing much uncertainty and instability.

What would I like to see our government do? With DSAI as the leader, what should he do?

Where will we find the solutions that will enable better governance of the nation that will lead to better use of our human and natural resources, and produce effective solutions to all the concerns that preoccupy the minds of the rakyat?

DSAI has claimed the right to rule based on the idea of reformation. So far I have yet to see a significant move to make the reformation happen. True there have been many plans and initiatives proclaimed in speeches and launchings. But things do not just happen just because the leader says it. The journey to action takes many steps and, most of all depends on what the leader does, not what he says. He has to ensure that the delivery system is up to the mark.

True he has proclaimed Malaysia Madani as the basic framework. But what good is an abstract concept if there is no follow-up and follow-through action to see that it is actually done? And measured? And corrected when it loses the true path?

DSAI need to ensure that the nation builds its capacity to develop science and to use the increasing capacity of that scientific knowledge to contribute meaningfully and purposefully towards the benefit of the rakyat. We need to use this scientific knowledge with purpose and meaning that is consistent with our national principles and policies.

Do we have the people to do this now? Of course, we do! But are these scientists being given the opportunity to contribute meaningfully and purposefully, at the operational level, to our nation-building in a manner consistent with our national principles and policies?

The answer to that is "NO".

The above is a scientific assessment of the present state of affairs in our country in as far as development is concerned. It is based on knowledge, science, technology and innovation. It is an evidence-based analysis and synthesis that have been done by teams of scientists around the country. I am articulating what they have told me.

The situation is not much different from previous governments. Only this time we are expecting more if it is to be a systemic reform.

We are frequently hearing about the need for political will. There is scant evidence to show that the present Unity/Madani team has what it takes to make change happen. Strong political will is essential to push change through the system. Scientists have done significant work that can help the government restructure the economy, and this, in turn, will enable the rakyat to earn a better living. But this cannot happen unless we are ready to restructure the economy and have the governance system that will oversee the transformation, in place.

We have been stuck in the "middle-income trap" for the last four decades. There are good ways and means to address this challenge. These scientists have the answers but the powers that be do not seem to want to know.

Please DSAI....what say you talk to these scientists and seek their assistance to make reformation happen?

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5 comentarios

Syed Putra
Syed Putra
16 nov 2023

You can write DSAI off. He is not a techie. Or economist. He is of religious background. Expect more religion in the system. He hold three portfolios. PM, finance minister and what was previously minister to the federal territories which has been absorbed into PM's department.

Why did he exempt tesla from car import AP but not other brands of EV's,some of whom has assembly plants in the country? Tesla has none. And now he wants to impose even more punitive taxes on cars above RM200k when our non National car taxes are already one of the highest on the planet. More debts for middle income earners.

Me gusta
17 nov 2023
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Msia is a gone case .... no hope whatsoever.

I’m glad my two sons opt to work outside Msia n obtain PR at their workplaces. Both are contemplating to take up citizenships.

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naidu simon
naidu simon
16 nov 2023

When a country has full of kangkung professors and

corrupt politicians , it is in serious trouble

And Malaysia is in SERIOUS trouble

Mirage man has no idea of sorting these issues

He is part of the problem

We can write reams and reams of things that is needed

to rectify problems facing Malaysia but,

it is NOT going to happen

Malay mafia elite politicians will ensure that reforms are stymied

to protect their interests

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Syed Putra
Syed Putra
16 nov 2023
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The politicians seems oblivious to ground level reality. They live in a different universe. They meet kampung folks wearing saville suits, italian shoes, premium swiss watches.....

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Ting Kiong Tee
Ting Kiong Tee
16 nov 2023

Prinsip tak berprinsip ialah berprinsip!!

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