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Writer's pictureHussein Abdul Hamid

The ballads of the Sungai Long Bolshevik part 1: by SAK-MONG-KOL AK47

Sunday, 15 October 2023

The ballads of the Sungai Long Bolshevik part 1 1. It's like ms Clara says. She's the old lady in the Wendy commercial. Where's the beef? 2. Many of us feel like asking the same question. From Papa Non. We are inundated with slogans upon slogans. Everything Madanised. 3. We have masyarakat Madani, Negara Madani, ekonomi Madani etc. Everything can be Madanised. 4. Everything seems to be maddening. Perhaps kita kena MainDahNi. By the villaiNons . Malay, walanon. 5. On stage, the slogans were enthralling and entertaining. With the typical nasal voice. Hands puncturing the air. For emphasis. And dramatic effects . 6. There were many promises. Kita bela Rakyat. Kita Lawan korupsi , sakau, pembaziran, cabul kuasa . When you promised, you better carry them out. Otherwise don't promise. 7. The English have an idiom for that. It's called be all talk. The Chinese say, much thunder little rain . The Malays will say, habuk pun tadak. The Indians will have a similar idiom 8. We are repulsed and revolted at the PM's verbal yo yos. They insult our intelligence. 9. When asked why he included Zahid in the cabinet at that time, he hid behind the overused cliche of innocent until proven guilty. 10. Which meant that at that time, Zahid was between innocence and guilty. By including Zahid in the cabinet, PM Anwar removed zahid's undetermined fate and want him to be innocent. 11. The message he's sending was, Zahid was already innocent. He took out the decision making from the judiciary. He predetermined zahid's fate 12. To me that's an indirect interference with the judiciary without having to actually interfere .it was a sly move. 13. He achieved this preliminary and ignominious rehabilitation of the Javanese neanderthal by 2 things. By hiding behind the overused rule of innocent until proven guilty and including the Javanese dullard in his kitchen cabinet . 14. Now, the rehabilitation of Zahid is complete. He hides behind the less defensible rule of judicial independence. He causes the 47 gold nuggets to be dropped, for the time being. 15. I say less defensible rule, because who is to say he doesn't interfere at the levels of SPRM, AGC or even at the judicial level? 16. We can't prove that he actually did interfere. Just as we can't prove the existence of oxygen. But we know it's there in the atmosphere. We lived and are alive, aren't we? 17. On the preponderance of probabilities, we can conclude he has interfered in judicial enforcing institutions. He has created only chaos and destruction. 18. As a politician, he is more governed by Bismarck's rule, politics is the art of the possible. He has no guard rails as premier. 19. So, he can appear in parliament, feigned ignorance and innocence, nobody believes him. 11 out of 10 don't . 20. Anwars view to the law is also suspect. It's iffy, irresolute and vacillating reflecting his own skirmishes with the law. 21. By causing the issuance of DNAA to Zahid, he has shown he cannot be depended to enforce a common law. It's common law to peasants, uncommon law to patricians. 22. The many promises he made so easily but not carried out, show that he is duplicitous and a fraud. Perhaps pathological liar is too strong a description, but lying is second nature to him. 23. On top of that, he failed to provide the type of leadership needed. Which is to prevent and correct a grievous wrong. 24. When it comes to the law, Anwar is milk-and -water, wishy-washy and a sissy. When it comes to governing, hes a political anthropod, a political invertebrate. With the many centrifugal forces pulling you from the true north, Whoever governs Malaysia, must have that iron in him. 25. Even by Machiavellian standards, he is wanting. He doesn't know how to differentiate between being a nice person and an effective leader. The 2 are practically incompatible. 26. That is indeed a difficult question. It must necessarily involved political tradeoffs. You can only be an effective leader if you become a stricter disciplinarian. As Machiavelli said, you must sometimes inspire terror . It's better to be feared than to be loved,said Lee Kuan Yew. 27. As to being a nice person, anwars reputation is legendary. He eats here, there and everywhere. At warungs, eating grilled fish, biryani and so on. Jamuan Rakyat, signing this and that, officiating this and that, social gatherings etc. He has the knack of making you feel he has known you for years where in fact you have only met . 28. But as to being an effective leader, Nahi, Babu. An effective leader enriches the country, brings honour to the country and achieves political stability. His achievements in these areas, are in doubt 29. The chummy gestures may all be a red herring. Meant to divert our attention from looking closely at his real tasks. Managing the economy, managing those around him, forging social cohesiveness, political stability and so on. Instead we are brought on his frolics in the political jungle . 30. We actually feel nauseous whenever PM shares on the social media what he does , but which we are not concerned with. Eating here, there, opening ceremonies here and there, meeting someone here, there everywhere. In that sense, the PM is no different from gossipy ladies sharing things they do on the social media. I am cooking for my darling, I am trying my new branded handbag etc 31. But with the PM, there is an ulterior motive. To show people that he is working tirelessly. As Machiavelli says, the vulgar crowd is always taken in by appearance, and the world is full of vulgar people. Anwar will always find people who allow themselves to be decieved. We want things shared like, I have done this today to reduce the price of cooking oil, of rice etc. I am doing this to stop the ringgit from falling down further. The economy, stupid! said James Carville . 33. Unless of course, like uncle Machiavelli said, promises given were a thing of the past, promises broken are a thing of the present. 34. I won't talk much about economics today. I will reserve that juicy subject later. But it puzzles me that we are a palm oil producer but the price of cooking oil is skyrocketing . It doesn't occur to mat sabu to import cheaper rice. That despite our economic fundamentals being strong as mentioned by t zafrul, our ringgit is going down. Telling that to the PM is of no use. He is an economics illiterate! 35. Unless the PKR yahoo boys are willing to be true congsigliaries, advising the PM bluntly and brutally, even at the risk of being scolded, rebuffed or even sacked, that would make throwing him under the bus, like the charge of the light brigade, seems a sensible option. 36. Like the ballads he likes to croon and dances along, reformasi is being processed imperceptibly. In fact, there is a real danger, that reformasi teaches you to be a better and slickier persons than the people you condemned. It's what Frantz fanon said, the oppressed becomes the oppressor!

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4 comentários

Syed Putra
Syed Putra
15 de out. de 2023

Seems like whoever we vote, we get the same old, same old.

In fact, the ones rewarded are those who did not vote for the gomen.

Only sarawak seems to be implementing on what PH voters wanted.

Suri Hira
15 de out. de 2023
Respondendo a

They are all but politicians,and..........


Zyx Owen
Zyx Owen
15 de out. de 2023

A brilliant and accurate summation of the shenanigans of the Madani government. But wait there`s more . Mark my words - there will a pardoning of the unpardonable. To what end you might ask? To remain in control of power. Once tasted it is most intoxicating.


15 de out. de 2023

This guy is spot-on in so many points written here. Anwar has an improved vocabulary in Tamil now too to rub it in on the 2nd class Indians of Malaysia.

Truly we the voters have been had. Damn!

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