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Writer's pictureHussein Abdul Hamid

Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia? Huh! Dream on!

As a Malay, what saddens me is that the politics within UMNO defines us Malays as we have never been defined before.

Before this the Malays saw themselves as a people who went about their life with a quiet dignity secure in the knowledge that as a people, they had the respect of the other races and felt themselves worthy of being Malays – son of the soils. More important, we had a sense of self-worth.

Today, the ugliness of the Malay persona is now no longer a matter that can be kept within the confines of families and the Malay community.

How can it be kept from the public domain when Malays are ridicule and laughed at as they try to walk along the path where others have walked – and in trying to do so the Malays have failed miserably. Failed because they are ill-equipped to compete on a level playing field with the other races.

This is not something that UMNO can sweep under the carpet anymore. Today it is the Malays themselves who have realized the dire situation that they are in. This is what the Malays now know of themselves.

There are no great Malay leaders in this country of ours anymore. All our leaders, without exception, had, in one-way or another, failed us – and yet, having failed the Malays, they still insist that their right to remain a Malay leader is unaffected. The Malay leaders of today are a joke!

The education of our young has not prepared or equipped the Malays to compete on a level playing field against non-Malays in Malaysia, and against others when they go overseas. They have failed miserably! From their inability to master the English Language to their inability to interact and handle the intricacies of living amongst non-Malays.

That they have failed to do so is painfully obvious to me as a Malay – what more to the people they meet. But ignorance is bliss. These students are unable to comprehend that they are looked upon as an object more to be pitied than laughed at. And so these students go about their education, oblivious to their failings. Katak di bawah tempurong!

The Malays can no longer ignored the reality that the non-Malays are way ahead by leaps and bounds in all things Malaysians: Business, Education, civil society and even in the respect and dignity of their own race.

How is this possible when the Malays have complete control of government since Merdeka, and did have control over all aspects of life in Malaysia?

How is this possible when the Malays have 9 Sultans, a King and numerous Governors as the constitutional head of state?

How is this possible when the Malays numerically overwhelmed all the other races put together?

And yet, all these advantages have made the Malays into a people that can no longer hold their head nobly whatever their circumstances simply because the Malay dominated Barisan Nasional government has failed in their much stated purpose of Ketuanan Melayu.

Failed not in the getting of the Ketuanan Melayu, but failed in the manner in which they used Ketuanan Melayu NOT to further the Malay interest, but to further UMNO’s interest.

And therein lies the tragedy of the Malays! AN UMNO that takes for themselves what should really be for the Malays.

And it is in the leaders of UMNO that we see the worst of the Malays acting out what the Malays have now become! These UMNO leaders are the epitome of greed, corruption and the thievery of the nation's wealth for their own pockets.

That the Malays have now lost their sense of pride and dignity because of the misdeeds and abuse by UMNO politicians of the public office they hold, is of no concern to these UMNO Malays. The behavior of these UMNO leaders now mirrors that of the Sultans, who have long ago surrendered any dignity they might still have and any claims to being Malay leaders by their decadent lifestyle that they lead on the money they get from the Rakyat.

How not to lose respect for a Malay leader like Najib? Look at the families of all the Prime Ministers of Malaysia bar Tunku : Malays all of them: And all of them in one way or the other have profited hideously from the office of Prime Minister.

And with Najib comes a wife that thinks that being the wife of the Prime Minister entitles her to be styled First Lady of Malaysia!

What these Malays leaders are doing are being aped by other Malays in position of trust and power – where the getting of wealth by any means have brought into existence of at least two generations of Malays that have been brought up to believe that Malaysia owes them a living : ask not what you can do for your country but ask what your country can do for you!

Two generations of Malays totally spoiled and weakened to expect something for nothing by an UMNO totally devoid of any interest in furthering the interest of any Malay what more other Malaysian, other than of themselves!

I am ashamed of being Malay. Ashamed because of the deeds and actions done by UMNO in the name of the Malays. These Malays do more damage to the Malays at large than to themselves.

Who do we have now? We have Malay leaders whose idea of being great is having the latest model Mercedes and living in mansions paid for by their thieving of the people’s money, taking actresses or singers for their wives and mistresses! And the Malay singers and actresses who think that these aging Lotharios are a good catch, probably defines the materialistic mind frame that permeates too many Malays everywhere.

It pains me to see the Malays like this. It pains me even more when the most concerned of people are not the Malay leaders, but the other races who are witness to the Malay fall from grace.

The non Malays worry about the Malays more than the Malay leaders because they know that until the Malays are energized to do something for themselves by getting rid of these useless Malay leaders, then they too would have to bear the brunt of the corruption and the rape and pillage of their country by these UMNO leaders.

The irony that I as a Malay is mocking and putting down my own race is not lost on me. Cutting off my nose to spite my face! But for me UMNO has cut off the Malay nose a long time ago.

I say all this because it needs to be said. It cannot be ignored that the Malays have now lost their way in a country they call their own. If they cannot see themselves being so, then I will point that out to them. If you want to assail me for being a turncoat to my own race by living in Australia – let me tell you this, a Malay is still a Malay wherever he or she is.

Open your eyes, engage your brains. Think, and ask yourself if you are proud to be a Malay in Malaysia today. I am not. I no longer wish to refer to myself as a Bumiputra because being a Bumiputra does not make me anymore a Malay as a Chinese would be more a Chinese if he lives in China or an Indian in India!

Being a Bumiputra is an embarrassment to anyone today because it denotes an unfairness within a society that tells you that birth, race and religion entitles you to being a Tuan when it is obvious that you are not one.

Today, privileges of birth no longer hold any sway over civilized societies - be you a Sultan or the son of a Prime Minister. Everything that you want to be must be earned through hard work and decent labor.

And this is why the position of the Malays in Malaysia have long ago been compromised by an UMNO government that sees the Malays only as a tool to further their hold on power in this country.

Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia?

Let me tell you Malays this. We Malays were never on the world stage! The Chinese were. The Indians were. Not the Malays. So, please wake up from the UMNO induced slumber that our people have been in for so long.

Against all odds the Chinese and other races have survived in Malaysia. Survived better than the Malays. It is time we Malays cast aside these useless Malay leaders that live off our ethnicity to only further their own vested interests, not the Malays.

But UMNO has not discarded the Malays - no… they still have need of the Malays to win the next general elections and the next and the next! The question now is whether we Malays will let them use us anymore! ABU ABU ABU!

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Apr 30, 2022

This is real guys, another superbly written piece, bro Wake up Melayus and ABU.

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