These days, anyone with a computer, a laptop, and/or a mobile, can set themselves up to be a News Anchor, News Presenter, reporter, journalist, TV know those people who stand in front of a camera and tell us about the news.
There are some good ones and some bad ones. Some make fools of themselves in front of the camera, and some make a name for themselves in front of the camera by the way they do the commenting. On the Net in Malaysia, like everywhere else, these wannabe TV presenters are a dime a dozen. ...which means there are a lot of them out there.
Ninety-nine percent of the time ...I ignore them.
Me? I am not going to make a fool of myself in front of those cameras...not even with a script. Not live and not even recorded because I know once you put yourself, or your writings into the public are fair game for everyone to praise or to hantam.
To those who are brave (read foolhardy or stupid) enough to do so...good luck to them.
Today, I came across the following video clip of someone doing just that, not once, not twice, but three times...and it was only on the third time that I made myself reluctantly listen to what the guy had to say ....and at the end of it I do not know if that guy was doing DSAI a favor by endorsing DSAI as PM....or not. What do you think?
And if you think you have wasted three minutes of your time listening to this guy, my only comment is this: Why should I be the only one to waste three minutes of my time listening to him? Welcome to the club.
Anwarista community always think that by talking him up, he will become PM. No wonder always a PM in waiting.