If my memory serves me right, I first wrote about Saddiq in those days when his father had to travel daily to Singapore for work. At that time, he was just a dot on the horizon of Malaysian politics. A good debater, just entering main stream politics and always being seen with the main man of the moment then, Tun Mahathir. An earnest young man taller than, and gifted with looks better than, that Pendek Down South. It is now over two years down the road. Syed Saddiq has been, at one time, a Minister, and, he is now being talked about as being one of those young man who may be King (at least in Malaysian politics).
What do I think of him?
The first few thoughts that enters my mind when looking at him now is this : An earnest young man, but he needs a bit more humility! Humility can only come with awareness. Awareness of his place in life, awareness of hid place in the scheme of things and awareness that because his work lies in the public domain, everything and anything that he does, the rakyat can and will have their say. And so I say to Syed Saddiq...have a bit more humility in the things that you do.

Yes, I know you do these things. I know you give out iPad and Apple Pencil for SPM Students, but maybe your presence...your personal presence on social media...is too slick and much too often. Cut it down a bit. Too much of a good thing is not good. Your PR people are doing a good job, but let other MUDA workers get the limelight too.
Now here is the hard thing for you to do. Try and work towards having a united Pakatan Harapan where, for now, your own role is a supporting one simply because you do not have the electoral peripherals and support network required for you to have a national presence. Too little, too soon, but given time, I know you will be up there among the political numero uno of the One Malaysia that we want. Work towards getting Rafizi Ramli and Nurul Izzah back into the fold. Learn what you can from INVOKE and with Rafizi, you can make INVOKE part of MUDA or MUDA part of INVOKE. So many young people working towards a common goal - just that thought will excite Malaysians eager for change and renewal. Malaysians will love it. Malaysians will want it!
At 75, I and the older generation, know that Rafizi, Nurul, you and all those young MP's in DAP is the FUTURE. We are here for you, but we want to be heard. And so do many other Malaysians. We want to be heard and listened to because we, the electorates, will decide your fate at PRU15. We give you notice that we expect a lot out of you and MUDA. We give you notice that we will be there for you to the best of our abilities. And we give you notice that we want the young to take up the responsibility and privilege of leadership soonest...no ifs and no buts. Onwards to Putrajaya.
Hussein Hamid
8th February 2022
Whaaat to compare si pendek and SS.. Macam chalk and cheese.. Please la..Pendek can't even follow SS toe step, let alone his foot step..
Pardon my cynicism, but I seen my fair share of pretentious and chameleoneus politicians. If he remains true, he's definitely our hope for a better Malaysia
Nasihat yang berguna daripada seniora kpd Syed Sadik. Ya, kita perlukan orang muda macam ini untuk ke depan untuk mengambil koruptor yang berleluasa kini.. dalam semua sektor...sebut saja pasti betul! $€£¥₩/money is malaysian king.
He should distance himself from Zakir Naik and be more open to other religions.