You know me as steadyaku. That blogger living in Australia. I have been a blogger for many years - a decade and counting. There are things that some of you may know about me. Some good, some bad, and some of no consequence to anyone else but yourself and me. Over the years, I have gotten to know some of you quite well. In my time of need, your generosity and kindness overwhelms me. In the times that I have doubts as to the goodness of our fellow brothers and sisters, your support and understanding saw me through difficult and trying times when I even questioned my own commitment to write. It is now been five years since 2017....the year when we started the march to Putrajaya together.
Am I at the peak of my mental faculties? No, I am not. Should I still be writing? Am I able to comprehend and keep track of the fast-moving realities of Malaysian politics? Am I physically able to endure the many hours needed to stay in touch with what is happening in Malaysia? I know at 75, all this is hard to do but, I am going to try.
Within the year, PRU15 will be upon us. Are we ready?. And by we, I mean you and me. The rakyat will decide who shall do government after PRU15.
What do we have to be ready for? We all have to be ready, as we were ready in the lead-up to PRU14. We have to be ready to do whatever we need to do, whatever is asked of us and whatever time, effort, and personal sacrifices is needed from us to ensure that whoever does government after PRU15 is of the rakyat, from the rakyat, and for the rakyat.
At 75 my heart is set on returning to my Tanah Air. Saya masih Warganegara Malaysia. Even at this age, I can still write. At this age, I still will do what I can to help good, decent, and responsible leaders build a nation sans any racial or religious considerations.
For now, I must write from Melbourne. The previous BN regime has deemed that I am to be arrested upon entry for what I have written about their corrupt ways. When we have a government of the people, for the people, and by the people, I will seek permission to return. And so I give notice to the powers that be that steadyaku47 is in for the long haul. We will take back our Tanah Air at PRU15 and when that happens, this much I will promise you. I will see you guys in Bangsar, at Mahboob on the first Saturday after I am home, for Nasi Briyani together.....until then lawan mesti lawan!
Hussein Hamid
11th February 2022
Dear Hussein, I will pray hard for you and your wish to return to your Tanah Air. Come GE15, I promise you that I will do my part to make your return possible.