If you wonder what the Chinese have to face in Malaysia, and what they have to go through when they leave Malaysia to try and find a better life for themselves and their families...listen to Sam Lim MP and his maiden speech in the Australian Parliament.....and listen to how, in the end, he triumphs.
And maybe, for the first time ever, hear Sam Lim say thanks to those who have helped him get to where he is now, in Bahasa. This guy does not forget his roots. Tabek Sam Lim MP.
Imaging what will happen if MP in Malusia gives part of his speech in Chinese or Tamil and reciting Christian, buddhust or Hindu hymn in parliament just like what Sam Lim did. I'm pretty sure the parliament will erupt into chaos and turn into a circus. Many baboons will demand action taken against the MP in the name of defending "memperkasakan Bahasa and Membela Agama"! Agama is under sieged and action must be taken.
All the good stuff had flown away. Can't blame any of them, I had one too in Perth.. Please live a good life.. 🤔