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Rafizi and Nurul. Where Are You? Good For Them To Lie Low...... tapi berisi!

Writer: Hussein Abdul HamidHussein Abdul Hamid

Updated: Feb 14, 2022

If all those who had joined and then left PKR, if all of them had instead stayed with PKR, and today, stood shoulder to shoulder, and declared themselves ready for PRU15 with Anwar Ibrahim as their leader, where will PKR be today? Where will Anwar Ibrahim be?

If that was reality today, there will not be another political party that can burn as brightly as PKR can. Not DAP and not even Umno, for there will be within PKR, our finest minds, our most admired and respected individuals, and the most able and capable politicians you can find in the country. PKR had it all….from Chandra Muzaffra, Chua Jui Meng, Zaid Ibrahim, to Altimet the hip hop artist.

And now, at this most critical juncture of Malaysian politics and PKR relevance in it, two of its finest, Rafizi Ramli and Nurul Izzah, are missing in action. Why?

Why, when you and I, can see the need of these two to join the ranks of those who are fighting against the almost impossible odds of taking back Putrajaya in PRU15, why are these two MIA from the front ranks of PKR?

Why, when there is a dearth of capable, believable individuals who have been tried, tested and successful in Malaysian politics, why are these two nowhere to be found anywhere in PKR?

And why, when there are five million young voters coming into the electoral roll in PRU15, why are these two young PKR politicians not around to lend their considerable political clout to PKR? Hell…in Johor alone there will be, 750,000 new voters! Where is Rafizi and Nurul?

These two are still PKR members are they not? So why, pray tell me, are they not among the leaders in PKR today? Why are they not even in PKR?

Simply put, Rafizi and Nurul have issues with the people that DSAI have around him today. And so have many other people in and outside PKR - including me. No need to name names - you and I and Rafizi and Nurrul and DSAi knows who they are. But my views and the views of others outside PKR matters not to DSAI.

But if there is a need for DSAI to clear the decks of PKR of some of those riff raffs within PKR before Rafizi and Nurul will return to PKR central - please Anwar, clear the decks. Rafizi and Nurrul are needed to reset PKR, to give renewed vim and vigor to PKR, and to give PKR, and all of us, a fighting chance to win back our Tanah Air at PRU15. Enough said.

There is certainly a highly visible trust deficit in PKR when its two most original and valuable assets- Nurul Izzah and Rafizi Ramli- are taken out of the equation in the calculation of the upcoming Johor state election. Anwar Ibrahim owes it to the country to restore to these two individuals their rightful place in the PKR. They are crowd pullers and can acquire quite rapidly iconic status among the important segment of the new 18-year-old voters. One must anticipate there will be attempts to discredit and displace them but that should not be a factor in disregarding their strategic and vital importance. Anwar Ibrahim must rise beyond the gutter politicking of narrow personality cults to embrace and enhance the role of these two individuals. If he fails to do that PKR will be quickly eclipsed to its own detriment.

Note : The last paragraph has been contributed by a trusted friend. I agree with the sentiments expressed. Thank you trusted friend!

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1 Comment

Cee Kay CK
Cee Kay CK
Jan 28, 2022

A bridge too far, if you ask me....


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