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PMX has more to lose than Hadi or Muhyiddin in the state elections. Does he know that?

Writer's picture: Hussein Abdul HamidHussein Abdul Hamid

Updated: Mar 13, 2023

Since PRU15, has anything happened that could have resulted in PN losing the support of the Malays and Muslims, who is their electoral base? Have the Malays shifted their allegiance and loyalty to any other political entity, or to any other individual? No, they have not!

Has PN lost any supporters from the Malay/Muslim electorates?

I doubt it because these people are driven by religious and racial considerations. If anything, whatever has been done by PMX to make PH, the government, and this country of ours more reflective of a multiracial, multicultural, and multi-religious society and nation, has only strengthened support for PN from the Malays because, to the Malay mind, a multiracial, multicultural, and multi-religious society and nation poses a clear and present danger to the very existence of the Malays and the Muslim religion in their Tanah Air.

Has PH been able to consolidate its position and attract any more Malays/Muslims into PH? Maybe yes, but probably no! The recent prosecution/persecution of PN leaders for corruption, money laundering, or whatever lah, is ill-advised and ill-timed and has only served to make them into martyrs to their followers. It has also strengthened the resolve of their supporters to ensure that the coming state elections will be another God-sent opportunity for PN to bring Selangor and Negri Sembilan into their embrace.

Has PMX strengthened his position and hold over the PH unity government?

If you are preaching to the converted, he surely has done so. And the converted will have a long list of 'achievements' that has been done by PMX in the last 100 days.

But there have been questions asked about PMX commitment to zero tolerance for corruption. Too many questions were asked of PMX resolve to open government. Too many questions were asked of PMX intent to keep the promise he has made to make his government a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. And who really are the people that PMX is the prime minister of? You and me or will he be another PM for whom political power and political agendas take precedence over all other considerations?

Yes, there have been mistakes made by PMX in the name of doing government and every one of these mistakes weakens PMX standing among the converted, and certainly has not attracted any additional support from the unconverted.

And every one of those mistakes serves only to strengthen PN hold over its electorates and attract additional support from other Malays/ Muslims for PN.

All this, augers ill for PMX, Pakatan Harapan and its coalition partners in the PH unity government.

Meanwhile, PN has gone from strength to strength. For sure the freezing of their bank account does deprive them of the 'lubricant' that oils their electoral machinery - but for those whose focus is Allah and the survival of their own race, these obstacles only serve to heighten their commitment towards PN. And the arrest and detention of PN leaders only serve to make them martyrs for their followers who will now commit themselves, more, to PN.

PH supporters do not have the zeal nor the commitment of PN supporters. DAP are a practical lot - and their support of PH, however, that is given, is given for the survival of DAP and the Chinese - and that too given grudgingly;y - for we have already heard the rumblings with DAP for not having the proper representation in Cabinet as should be their lot given the number of seats at their disposal.

In all that has been happening in PN and PH, I think the momentum is with PN. They have not lost support - in fact, they would have gained support from the Malays and Muslims because what PMX has done can be construed to have weakened the Malays and Muslims in their own Tanah Air. And how all this will affect the state elections in the coming months, remains to be seen - but the prognosis does not favor PMX. It does not favor PH.

The loss of any PH state to PN in the coming state elections will reflect badly on PMX and does not even bear thinking about, for that will surely tip the balance in favor of Muhyiddin and Hadi. Politics, in Malaysia, is a zero-sum game. You win everything or you lose everything. PMX has more to lose than Hadi or Muhyiddin in the state elections. Does he know that?

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Plus sedekah….Stop these two factors and the war is half won or may be more!!


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