"If you can’t win against thieves & scoundrels, you are not clever or worse!"
That is a telling comment made about Pakatan Harapan by a classmate of mine. It can be a rallying cry to urge PH onwards to do battle against politicians who are thieves and scoundrels, and yet, in the same breath, it is a damming indictment of PH inability to seize the advantage...carpe diem....seize the moment to mount a withering offensive against a BN/PN government that is awash with factional infighting, inept Ministers and corruption.
Why has PH not done so?
Has the MOU between Ismail Sabri and Pakatan Harapan, which agreed that a general election would not be held until at least August 2022, given PH a false sense that time was on their side to get their act together before a PRU? Maybe...but nothing was said about PRN!
We already had Malacca's. Johore is next.
Let me be blunt! The task of winning PRN Johore for anyone else but Barisan Nasional, is monumental. What PH and Muda are now doing by trading Kerusi, is akin to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Do what you want with the deck chairs...the Titanic will sink. DSAI, PH, MUDA and everyone else in the OPPOSITION need to do more than trade kerusi between themselves. That is NOT going to win you the Johore PRN or any other election that is coming dalam masa terdekat.
There need to be only one battle fought in Johore. That between BN and the OPPOSITION. A battle between David and Goliath. And if you have to ask me who is David and who is Goliath...then begone from my sight!
If the momentum that Najib had secured for his Barisan Nasional in Malacca (please note that it is Najib's BN that I am talking about!) is to be thwarted, the tango between PH and MUDA for seats in Johore is woefully an exercise in futility. Just a sandiwara. PH tells us that there is a "Khemah Besar" that there are setting up in Johor. But let me tell you this reality ...bringing in only MUDA into PH's Khemah Besar is nothing more than a 'smoke, lights and mirrors" magic show without any real magic to enable PH to win PRN Johor.
To win PRN Johor and any other electoral battles with BN, Pakatan Harapan needs to do more. And what that "more' is, if I have to tell them, then I suggest PH bungkus tikar and balek kampong soonest.
Enough said.
Hussein Hamid
11th February 2022
Clearly, vrry straight forward. With MUDA, PH its a difficult moment in Johot..