Othman Mohamed
Governance. The present government is not without its pitfalls. For whatever is given is driven by the numerous initiatives calculated to instil a sense of ownership for the rakyat towards change.
Change however is subjective to the various perceptions imbibed in the mindset.
Ownership too vary accordingly upon the leanings about how the rakyat percieved as of utmost importance impacting on their daily lives.
The government of the day survived the 365 days to date with varying surmountable challenges thus perfecting its continuing existence. Surviving the four years towards the next election demands the governance of the nity-grity dynamics of the Prime Minister's cabinet.
One year has been spent on the marketing and national relationships with nations offshore. That was Step 1.
An insight of the migration of offshore funds into the country may count for at least one more year. That will be Step 2.
It is not like transfering from one kitty box to another coconut tabung. The infrastructure of such financial development need to be congruent with Step 2. The process may need another 6 months. That is Step 3.
Subsequently, Step 4 goes hand in hand with the readiness of the human resources recruitment effort consistent with the objectives of the offshore migrating funds and job maturity which may count for another 6 months.
Given an election preparation of 1 year, being Step 5, the government need to show results between Step 4 and 5.
The rakyat's urgency are :
1) Real employment envisaged;
2) Real gain in income level;
3) Real lowering cost of living;
4) Real gains in the change of educational pathways towards employment sustainability;
5) Real gain in housing needs;
6) Actual rakyat gainful projects executed.
Truly, even after two decades in the 21st century, these are basic personal needs towards attaining food, shelter and security. Show these changes, and surely the rakyat would make a justful decision come the next election.
Othman Mohamed, 24 November 2023.