Mahathir No1
Najib No2
Razak. No3
Tunku.No 4
Hussein No 5
No ranking
Pak.Lah slept and let KJ, Kamilullah, Reezal run the real show.
Moudin....not genuine..used Emergency
Anwar...last lah as he doesn't take a salary
Doesn't steal
And crusading against LOOTERS.
And their beneficiaries who keep looking over their shoulder and awaits MACC visit.
And this is over 12 months.
But ....Poor analysts......
All of them were /are bad as each other
Nepotism , corruption and cronyism galore
Looks like whoever the PM he/she have to be "sleeping" on the job OR jet-setting around the world..🤣🤣🤣 But must accept (selfless) KARMA before di-bumi-kan....🫠🫠🫠
Again...groin injury...
And Moonfall.by Tingkat 4 Boys..
Actually badawi was most underated PM. The reform he made was unprecedented. Visa free travel for visiors ftom china and india. A schengen type border between johore and singapore.jb boomed under badawi. Singaporeans actually lived in johore and work in singapore. Many theme parks just to accommodate day trips by china and india visitors from singapore to visit jb, eat sea food, shopping and spend time in theme parks.
Our press became free. Our hotels boomed as arabs too flocked here due to 9/11 repercussions. No visa required either. 2nd penang bridge (which i thought was badly located and tunnel first proposed by sammy vellu and later DAP should be more suitable.)
Then the first wife died. BAdawi got another…