Selamat Pagi Malaysia. The country is in a mess. That is a given. The Opposition is in disarray. That is the truth. Do we have a credible option to Barisan Nasional? It does not exists. What about Pakatan Harapan? The coalition partners in PH agreed to disagree in the recent PRN Malacca. Ditto for Johor. So let me reiterate : A credible option to BN? It does not exists.
The government of Mael Bera derives its legitimacy and owes its survival to a pact it has with the Opposition! And if you think that pact will keep Mael's government afloat, then you need to get your head examined!
Mael Bera, the Umno Prime Minister is deeply distrusted by too many top echelon Umno leaders. The same top echelon Umno leaders on whom Mael should be able to depend upon to keep him in office, but depend on them, he cannot. That is why he has a pact with the opposition to keep him in the PMO.
How much more convoluted can Malaysian politics get? Try this...an Umno prime minister is about to be unseated by his own party while his coalition partners from Bersatu has turned around to bite the very Umno hand that had once given them political life and relevance after Langkah Sheraton.
And what of Pas, the other coalition partner of Mael Bera's government? The only kind words I have for Pas is simply this. You have better still have some of that RM$90 million you got from Umno stashed away somewhere for the rainy days ahead. In the coming days ahead, Pas fair weathered friends in PN will cast them adrift up the creek without a paddle. No more Middle East Envoy with Ministerial Status. No more peruntukan for your second, third or fourth wives. Or your mistresses. No more Velfire. No more fat salary cheques that you have all grown accustom too. Only telor kosong.
What else? The Rakyat? They are confused. They are fed up. They are at the edge of not caring anymore what happens to them, what happens to the King and to their country anymore. Surrender!
Malaysia is ready for anarchy. Malaysian is ready for another round of looting and plundering by "who ever they did not vote to government but is in government anyway". Those Malaysians who can, will leave for Australia, UK, Europe, the US....and any other country that will given them the opportunity to again start building up a decent life for their family.
And soon, very soon, after PRU15, Malaysia will settled down to life as we have known it under a BN government that has been there for themselves for over six decades and shall be there again, for themselves, maybe for another six decades.
Ponder those things that I have written above. Think about your role in making it happen. Think about your role if you do not want to make those things happen. I do not know if there are enough of you out there to ensure that the Malaysia you want will happen after PRU15. I really don't know anymore.
Most of you guys are so messed up in your head that even you do not know what you want. The truth is simply this : We are tired of having politics shoved down our throat 24/7 after PH electoral victory in PRU14. If anything is to be said of the PH coalition that took government after PRU14 it is this : You asked for a chance at government. We gave you that chance. You failed. You let us down.
PRU15 will be upon us dalam masa terdekat. BN is ready to take on PRU15 and win from the day the seven Umno Lawmakers kicked Abah our of office. Mael Bera is merely a distraction. The Opposition? What Opposition? What Pakatan Harapan? Donald Trump has a better chance of returning to the White House as President of the US of A, than PH would have a chance of returning to Putrajaya as the government. Enough said.
What unless? Why don't you guys tell me what the "unless" is?
Hussein Hamid
6th February 2022
Reality bites. The truth hurts. What else is there to say? What else can anyone else say?