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Naemah is right! There is always a reckoning for those who abuse power! Let the games begin. PMX is ready!

Writer's picture: Hussein Abdul HamidHussein Abdul Hamid

Updated: Jan 24, 2024

Selamat Pagi Malaysia. The Rules of Engagements is that there are no rules. No boundaries. No sense of right or wrong. Everyone is fair game. When Daim is indispose, Naemah will serve their purpose...but DSAI did not make these rules. Others do.

Naemah says power is brief. She forgets to say that power also corrupts. Man proud man, she says, there is always a reckoning for those who abuse mention of those who use power to their own advantage. But PMX must watch her well for there is no fury on earth quite like a woman scorned!

And what of Tun Mahathir? His body language shows that he is nervous. How not to be nervous when billions are at stake. Dah mula cakap Anwar tak grateful. Bawa case Statutory Declaration of Murad. SPRM dah buat sisatan, tapi Tun kata not true. Dah mula cakap merapu.

Today Naemah. Esok Daim?

Tunggu! Kena tunggu dia keluar hospital first.

Next Mirzan?

Anak anak Mahathir?

Anak anak Mahathir is a tale that simply astounds! Take the acquisition of Konsortium Perkapalan assets by MISC from Mirzan. It needs the approval of the Perdana Menteri aka Tun Mahathir, his father, as per the Petroleum Development Act. So how come when MACC questioned Hassan Marican, he said not true! He said it only need Petronas board approval. Hassan is not telling the truth. He is protecting Tun Mahathir. Maybe we should question his loyalty.......whether to Tun Mahthir or PMX. Whether to Singapore or Malaysia? Do not forget that the takeover of Konsortium Perkapalan Asset by MISC from Mahathir's son Mirzan, in 1998 costs Petronas RM$900 million. Woooha! How much is that in today's money? The cumulative price increase over that time is 100% ---- ONE POINT EIGHT BILLION RINGGIT. Another Wooha!

What are we to make of all this?

Mahathir, Daim, Muhyiddin, Hadi, PAS, BERSATU, the Green Wave, devoid of any ideas for economy, are throwing the kitchen sink at Anwar, and still Anwar stands alone against their onslaught, unbowed and courageously facing whatever comes his way.


Where are those who should fight Anwar's battles for him? Where are those who should be with him in this fight against overwhelming odds? He is alone against Mahathir, Daim, Muhyiddin, Hadi, PAS, BERSATU, the Green Wave....he is alone against corruption! Do you not think it is time we join him in this fight against corruption and all those who have profited hideously from it?

The educated Malays, especially in the Civil Service need to realize that the future for them and their children are in their hands and in the hands of enlightened Malay leadership. They should join all those right thinking Malays and Malaysians who should all be with our PMX as he takes our nation to recovery and out of its slide into a failed state.

Come what may, our PMX has made his intentions clear. You ain't seen nothing yet! DSAI must prevail. You, me and DSAI, let us put all those corrupt bastard in jail.

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Ting Kiong Tee
Ting Kiong Tee
Jan 25, 2024

You are what you do and you are who you are! That’s karma.


Roger Balakan
Roger Balakan
Jan 24, 2024

an entitled bitch...


Alfred lim
Alfred lim
Jan 24, 2024

This are tall tale sign of Zionist...another xxxmah....Hasmah Rosmah Nazimah still not enough...Patrick Teoh 😤 Niamah 😤 Murad SD didnt get BALA vetted 😆😆 Anyway AI case is Sodomy 1,2 & 3....not corruption 😊😊😊 But one thing is true why take so long to inaction....When one partner already mengaku with video how come Azmin still screwing around....Answer obvious ????☕️☕️☕️

Jan 24, 2024
Replying to

Salam to all

Dear Alfred

In Islam, we have this concept of what Islam calls Ainul Yaqin translated Seeing is Believing as well as producing 4 credible witness to concur acts committed such as sodomy. Burden of proof lies with the accuser. TDM accused DSAI for the above. I sincerely do not believe because of the below

  1. I do not see the act

  2. I do not believe the the witness brought forward are credible

In Islam, we have 'Qazaf'. I am very sure if DSAI were to be tried in the Shariah Court, person who commits Qazaf ie TDM/Saiful/Azizan/Darma shall be subjected to 80 times of the rotan.

I would very much like to see that In shaa Allah.



naidu simon
naidu simon
Jan 24, 2024

Cut the head and the body will follow

Not only Kutty and Daim , Hadi must be dealt as soon as possible

Put the fear of god in their followers

PN leaders must be shitting bricks now

About time too


Malaysia can no longer take these levels of corruption

as the debts levels are too high as they are now


Jan 24, 2024

Salam to all.

Dear Pak Hussein.

Anwar needs no one. He only needs Allah swt to guide him to decide what is BEST for MALAYSIA.


Copyright © Hussein Hamid | STEADYAKU47. All rights reserved.

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