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Johan Taharin
Johan Taharin
Mar 05, 2023

Dear ignatius, it is true that the majority malays are left to eat from menu rahmah. Lets move forward and not feel threatened by tun m. Lets look at the problem and see how the chinese can be treated better.

What is the problem?

The problem is 70% malay share 20% of the countrys wealth while 20% chinese take 70% of the countrys wealth. This is equivalent to if theres 9parts to a cake, 2 chinese get 7 pieces while 7 malays share 2 pieces of cake. The chinese think this is unfair.

Why is this not fair to the chinese ?

Because a chinese in malaysia enjoy 3.5 pieces of cake each while a malay in malaysia scramble for…

Johan Taharin
Johan Taharin
Mar 07, 2023
Replying to

The chinese are sensitive. Yes, they hurt easily.

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