Local elections in Kuala Lumpur?
Ini cara melaksanakan democrasi tempatan...merakyatkan cara pentadbiran Ibu Negara kita...really Tan? Is this cara melaksanakan democracy tempatan or is this another way for DAP to secure a stranglehold over Kuala Lumpur?
Think about it...if you have local elections in Kuala Lumpur to elect a City Mayor and all the other relevant City Hall officials who will manage the administration of Kuala Lumpur, who will get elected?
Do I see a Chinese as a Datuk Bandar in Kuala Lumpur? YES.
Will we see other Chinese office bearers in DBKL administration and its executive level? YES.
And will we get meritocracy in DBKL. YES.
And will the Malays be up in arms over all this? YES they will because the thought of the Chinese being in control of Kuala Lumpur will freak them out...and these are the very arguments now being bandied about among the Opposition and other Malays who are hell-bent on proving that DAP is going to take over Malaysia.
So I suggest that DAP take this off their agenda for the foreseeable future. No sense in banging your head against a wall because as I see it, there is no way in hell for PMX and this Unity Government to agree to Local ELections dalam masa terdekat. Not if they want to keep whatever Malay votes they still have on their side. Enough said.
P.S....I am no racist. Them are the realities!
Hello to anyone who thinks....😁😁
Efficiency is a NON money making machine and employs lesser # of people...Mat Sabu says 4wives 20 children you feed ah...🤣🤣
Just add up from 1957-now how much money msia earned from Allah given natural resources yet still debt of 1.5Trillion....🫠🫠🫠
What's the big fuss in having local council elections? We have for decades seen every level of management run by Malays as total failures, riddled with embezzlement, scandals and corruption over and over again, right? So what if a Chinese or Indian or even a East Malaysian becomes the Mayor in a fair and free election voted by each local resident to take charge by the people who knows him/her best? I'm just bloody tired of seeing Malays run down other races who pay equal taxes if not more everytime any issue touches on Malay sensitivity! What is wrong with the Malays? Can't they have any competition? Are they so afraid of competition without touching race and religion? Can they…
The local government, when small it is called majlis perbandaran, bigger called majlis bandaraya, biggest called Dewan. The bigger it grows, the more money to be made, and the yang dipertua or datuk bandar gets more powerful. Then there's a mighty Setiausaha, and then ahlus majlis the evil councillors, and of course the tentacles of lucifer that's the directors of various departments, starting from perancang, then perlesenan, and the devil himself ie penguatkuasa. The Web goes down all the way to the drivers and goes out to various consultants and agents, vendors, wakil swasta etc.. Together they formed a syndicate, a corrupt web of extortionists.
Many past and present ministers, they started off as a ahli majlis, and there by…
Why not ?
Seems very sensible
Let local people decide for themselves
They know what local issues affect them
They can elect officials or dump them from a great height
Typical Malaysia EVERY bloody issues gets tarred with
race and religion
Untuk memdemokrasikan Kuala Lumpur lebih baik diadakan pilihan raya PBT terakhir diadakan pada tahun 1963. Ini bukan perkara baru.
Walaubagaimanapun pilihan raya PBT pada tahun berikutnya, telah digantung.
Penggantungan sementara itu kekal pada 1976 apabila Parlimen meluluskan Akta Kerajaan Tempatan, menyaksikan pilihan raya kerajaan tempatan dimansuhkan sama sekali dan hanya memperuntukkan pelantikan ahli majlis tempatan.
Adalah tidak logik untuk Kuala Lumpur cuma mempunyai ahli parlimen, tetapi Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) di bawah kawalan kerajaan persekutuan.
Penduduk KL hanya ada suara di Parlimen . Bila ada pertandingan baru ada kemajuan kerana ia bukan lantikan politik . May the best Man wins.