Build your vocabulary: get a new word every day. Word of the day is TARIK.
What it means: Tarik in English means "pull".
Some uses of the word Tarik:
Tarik Tali: tug of war.
Tarik keluar: pull out.
Tarik Masuk: pull in.
But the Malay word 'tarik" can at times be confusing and yet not confusing.
Teh Tarik: He is pulling the Teh....
Tarik balik: What Radzi Jidin wants PMX to do about something PMX said. Why he wants PMX to do so is becoming increasingly clearer by the day.
Tarik nafas: take a deep breath. This is what Radzi Jidin should do after his outburst in Parliament.
Tarik diri: withdraw or what that Radzi Jidin should do, and apologize, after his outburst in Parliament.
Tarik Ali: Tariq Ali is a Pakistani-British political activist, writer, journalist, historian, filmmaker, and public intellectual. I remember him well from my time in London in the early 60s.
And the Japanese should have said "Tarik. Tarik. Tarik. instead of TORA TORA TORA...why? Because later they would learn to regret what they did to Pearl Harbor when the Americans dropped the A Bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
Radzi should not have tarik his wife into the tarik conundrum that he is now in. The MACC should not tarik balik any charges they may have on Radzi's Political Secretary. And lucky he us not a Dato' because that can also be tarik balek if he continues his "tarik balik" act.
Now I will tarik diri before that Radzi guy tells me to tarik balik my posting on the word tarik.
Tarik balik = Pull out
I believe women like "taruh taruh taruh" more than tarik...😊😚☕️