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Writer's pictureHussein Abdul Hamid

Is it the arrogance of power, sheer incompetence or just plain stupidity?

We see now, in the GAZA Israel War, a cacophony of voices raised by Malaysians protesting the inhumanity and genocide being inflicted by the Israelis over the Palestinians. We see a flurry of protests, demonstrations and even visits by PMX abroad to add his voice of protest at Israeli continued genocide on the people of Gaza. These strident voices are loud and deafening…and of course, they are needed to save the Palestinians from the carnage and genocide being inflicted on them by Israel. So much energy and effort are being expanded to help a country and a people 70000km away from us. RM100 million has been pledged. We have Malaysians and even soldiers ready to go to Gaza to fight for the Palestinians. Human beings willing to help others in dire need of help.

But there are also many thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of Malaysians in need of help. Who is helping them? There are people living in abject poverty, people living on a few cents a day, trying to feed their hungry children, living in hovels...…who is helping them? We know that the Indigenous people in Semenanjung, Sabah and Sarawak are living in poverty and want. Who will help them?

Charity begins at home. That RM100 million donated to the Palestinians can feed many many hungry Malaysians. It can build decent houses for many of our people who are homeless and without a roof over their heads. It can pay for the education of many Malaysian children whose parents cannot even afford to provide them with decent meals before they go to school and when they come home. It can bring electricity to people living in the interiors. That RM100 million can do so much for our people.

There are many things that need to be done in our nation that are not being done. With so many things to be done in our country, why is our PMX abroad almost every other week if not every week? Who is doing his work when he is abroad?

After decades of rampant corruption, mismanagement and politicians who take more…much more from our national coffers for themselves than what they put in. After 60 years of UMNO rule that has driven millions of Malaysians overseas to seek decent work and a better life. After 60 years of an education system that has only served to dumb down the Malays, after 60 years of race and religion in politics…when will our present leaders start working in earnest to right what is wrong within our nation.?

Are we not already in dire straits? After almost a year of the Unity Madani government, we are still talking about the price of chicken and eggs. About an education system that teaches our children to be Jihadists? About a health system that cannot even provide our people with basic medications because they have run out of money to buy these medications?

We are still talking about a race being threatened by another race. About one religion under threat by another religion?

After one year of this Madani government, our court’s ability to dispense justice to every Malaysian equally and fairly is still being questioned. We are still seeing death in custody. The police are themselves talking about corruption within their ranks and files. We are talking about giving pardons to convicted felons. About DNAA in a case that called for the suspect to answer 47 corruption charges?  

There are still questions being asked if certain religious or cultural festivities should be declared as holidays. Still, questions are being asked why tolls are exempted for some and not for others. Why discounts for buying houses are given to one race and not others? So many questions about things that should have been resolved many many years ago but are instead left unattended…to be resolved by the powers that be at their whims and fancies.

So many illegal immigrants in our country. If the government knows that there are millions of these illegal immigrants among us why do they not do something about it?

Each and every one of us will have our lists of grievances that we want this Madani government to attend to. To whom can we present our lists of grievances? To whom do we say that we must stop using religion and race in politics? To whom can we ask why, if the royals cannot go into business, then why are doing so?

Why are the costs of cars so high? Who will be able to afford EVs that are over Rm 200K?

Why are the trains between KLIA and KL not working? Why are there still floods year in and year out despite flood mitigation measures that cost billions to put into place?

Why is rice so expensive? Why are we not cultivating more rice more often? Why are the supply and costs of cooking oil not managed better? Why are the costs of so many essential products so high?

Why are we talking about using the national language in government departments again? Why is our PMX saying you must write in Malay to government departments and Sabah and Sarawak are saying it is not necessary to do so in Sabah and Sarawak? Are we not one nation? Why do we need to be allowed to go to Sabah and Sarawak? Are we all not Malaysians? Why can Sabah and Sarawak decide if they will or will not allow us to go there? Why are they talking about leaving Malaysia?

Why at an age when men have already gone to the moon, when EVs are a reality and we can communicate with each other across the globe in real-time……why, when we have all this, why are we still talking about the rights of LGBT? We are still talking about religious police catching people not going to Friday prayers, catching people in close proximity, and snatching bodies from grieving relatives in order to give the dead a ‘decent ‘funeral….so so many many things should have been taken care of many decades ago are still troubling our people now.

When will all this stop? Who will stop them?

I do not know if it is arrogance, whether it is a lack of awareness, whether pride comes before a fall….call it what you will….but to say the least, I am disappointed in the calibre and ability of some of the ministers in this Unity/Madian/PMX Cabinet. They seem to have the “Kings New Clothes” mentality…where they parade their shortcomings out there for the public to see. They think we are in awe of them as Ministers....but we know they have no clothes on! Kan?

Initially, I had this “wait and see” attitude to give them enough time to grow into their jobs. Then there was a period of being patient and excusing their pedantic and at times clueless manner in which they handled the Ministry under their watch. Then a period of confusion where I was trying to figure out if the gaffes being committed by these newly minted ministers, were the unintended consequence of someone new to doing government or just plain incompetence. After almost a year in their job, my patience has now turned into a full-blown “I am fed up” with these guys punching way above their weight. They do not deserve to be Ministers.

Less than a year ago, these same guys were people we could message or even call when there were things we wanted to discuss, share or give our two cents worth on. As soon as we voted them into office….what happened? Busy, busy, busy!

Now we bloggers are having the same damm problems we had during Kepit Man, Muhyiddin and Ismail Bera. We get blocked. Our readers cannot access our sites. We are being told that we are a threat to national security. The same bloody SOP happening during Mahathir’s and Najib’s time is happening under this Madani Unity Government. Why? Have they forgotten their promises to us…or are they going to tell us that “we made those promises because we thought we would never win government”?

The common consensus is simply this: If there is a general election esok, this Madani government is going to be thrown out of office faster than Pakatan Harapan was when Mahathir was leading it a few years back. Enough said.

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Adam Yew
Adam Yew
Nov 15, 2023

The common understanding is to allow time for PMX to govern and correct things. But the way that things are going shows that our PMX comes short on getting his priorities right. On the positive side, no new cases of corruption are heard. On the negative side, the PMX govt is trying to be more Islamic than PAS by incorporating Hadith into the education ministry as though Rukun Negara and Moral Studies are not good enough, reintroducing national training services which was cancelled due to cases of unwanted deaths and sexual offences, refusing to label Hamas as a militant which is as clear as the light of day, making so many oversea visits as though he is on a world…


Alfred lim
Alfred lim
Nov 14, 2023

Hope AI is following Kutty losing deposit at next GE...🤣🤣🤣


Lawrence Gan
Lawrence Gan
Nov 14, 2023

This country is going to the dog's faster than you can say Mahathir you are a mean son of whatever or whoever you say you are. Still carping on and dispensing his TOXIC race politics at his age, totally SHAMEFUL and UNBECOMING of an ex Prime Minister. As the saying goes, you can't teach an old dog new tricks! This country can never be better until we can call out all the misdeeds, corruption, betrayals, and undermining of our REAL NATIONAL INTERESTS by the so called leaders from Mahathir onwards, all useless, unworthy and self serving.

Bark... bark.... bark.......


Syed Putra
Syed Putra
Nov 14, 2023

Currently we are like in the US. It does not really matter who got voted in, the policies remain the same. The powerful dictates our gomen. Not the voters.


Ryu Huang
Ryu Huang
Nov 14, 2023

NEP 60years meant for 1 race to be a Leader in future but Now use by Elite 1 race to control 70% of 1 race . 60 years NEP still the same song year after year THAT meant a FAILURE. Scrap it About ALL the Privilege 1 race only but use TAx payer $$$$ INCLUDE GAMING & ALCOHOL. What to say. WAYANG Only. NO PM dare to reform JUst talk only .Scare loose POWER

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