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I love KL but don't like politics!

Writer: Hussein Abdul HamidHussein Abdul Hamid

This morning, as I have been doing for the past few weeks, I woke up early, way before dawn, and watched the sun rise over KL. Amazing! Tall buildings scraping the skies all around me. The sun making its presence felt, traffic building up on the roads as the sounds of KL starts to make its own noise, its own music......a city awaking to another new day. I am now a part of that city. This is my city!

Last night I had Pizza at an Arab ...or should I say Middle East...Restaurant...with a cigar smoking friend...served by a definitely foreign waiter who was polite and charming. We took our time to sit, dine, shoot the breeze and chill, until late. After dinner he sent me home in his very comfortable Toyota Vellfire and upon arrival at my current abode, I was greeted by the Napalese guard... ...and the day ended with me wondering what else was to come for me in the coming days?

Malaysia is no longer about the Malays, Indian and Chinese. But have we evolved or are we going South and being overwhelmed by an abundance of culture and ethnicity that was not around us a decade or two ago? Where is KL headed to? Is it becoming a charming cosmopolitan melting pot of culture that its new inhabitants have brought with them and welcomed by its old inhabitants, or is the New KL still learning and trying to live with the Old KL?

I do not know the answer to that but I am living it now and adjusting to the new realties. Maybe its gets too overwhelming when you walk into a restaurant without a single welcoming local face around you. Maybe you might resent the ways of these new "Malaysians" because they lack the grace of the Malays when they are serving you and more often than I care to admit, I do resent having too many foreigners around me doing everything our own people once did....but they are there alright! So learn to live with it.

Yes the KL I left over a decade ago is not the KL of today but then neither am I the guy who left KL over a decade ago. The only constant in life is change and what you make of that change makes you the person you are today. I am grateful that I am comfortable with the person I have become today. It is what tomorrow will bring that concerns me most.

Malaysia is in flux. It is constantly changing and we all want change but are the changes that is now happening around us, the changes we want? You got to work out what you want and what you do not want of the things that are now happening to and in our country today...but just remember this. You and me...we the control our own destiny. NOT THE POLITICIANS...though sometimes, it may seem to be that way. You and I, we do not want Najib's sentence to be shorten. We cannot understand why UMNO wants Najib to be given a pardon. And why, we ask, is the Pardon Board aiding and abetting a criminal who has cause our nation to be in debt by the billions? Why is the PMX trying to explain and justify the decision of the Pardon Board?

I listen and I learn about the follies and mistakes men makes. and there will be more of these follies and mistakes to come, and I am comforted by one thought,,, one reality. There will come a day of reckoning for all of us. Najib is in jail. Rosmah has been convicted as charged and now awaits her punishment. Mahathir lost his deposit. Taib Mahmud is today just a pawn being moved here and there to serve the interest of others, not his. So chill guys and get on with your life work...earning a decent living,

For everything else there is karma. Enough said.




Suri Hira
Feb 16, 2024

Thanks Kam


Gudie 11
Gudie 11
Feb 16, 2024

Maybe if you can call for a memorial meeting at some convenient makan shop, say Grand City Restaurant in PJ at their private room on some evening sometime soon, that will be good as closure for us before we shut down. Thanx Dr Kamsiah.


dr kamsiah
dr kamsiah
Feb 16, 2024

It's truly disheartening not to see new posts from Hussein anymore. His blog was a gathering place for us, and I won't have my own blog due to my full-time job. Hussein's blog was the only one where I actively shared my comments. I'll revisit his blog for future reference and hope to connect with you all on other social media platforms. Rest in peace, Brother Hussein. You are missed by those who read and commented here.

Feb 16, 2024
Replying to

Just no words to describe the loss of brother Hussein for me. His writings brought so much hope and happiness that at least there was someone who could tell the truth so boldly and without fear or favour. He echoed our deepest thoughts and prayers out there. And I will miss his ‘enough said ‘ more now. He was a beacon of hope indeed !

Rest in peace Brother !


Feb 15, 2024

Good night, Tuan. Sleep tight. Thank you for everything. I want to read all your writings again - a way for me to overcome the grief and show you my last respect.


Long Lama
Long Lama
Feb 15, 2024

When the Federal Court judgment came crushing on yet another attempt by the religious extremists to bring the country to hell, I had wondered why no notification came to me from Steadyaku47. Then I found out about the coma and the rest is now indeed history.

It had become a habit whereby whenever there's an issue in the country brought forth by the intellectually retarded self-proclaimed religiously faithful politicians, a notification would soon come informing that Steadyaku47 had written something on it and had provided a space for comments. Such was the kind generosity of a man called Hussein Hamid, an old Malay who had a big heart, love his country, and care more for his countrymen.

In this very…


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