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Writer's pictureHussein Abdul Hamid

How pendek will the rule of the Sultans be if Dollah Pendek grants Najib a pardon?

The royal thugs down south have been assaulting people and committing murders for decades. They have gotten away with all these bullying and murders with impunity. So what could another beating of a Hockey Coach do to them, and the other royal houses? In their hubris, the Johor royal thugs could never have foreseen what their cowardly assault on Douglas Gomez, 52, two decades ago, could ultimately have cost the royals in Malaysia.

In one word? P L E N T Y!

Tun Mahathir said enough is enough. The government of the day, together with the enthusiastic support of the rakyat, had parliament pass a resolution that curbed not only the powers of the rulers but also removed their immunity from being prosecuted for wrongdoings. Just the thought of facing that special court has already resulted in two Sultans, Pahang and Negri Sembilan, settling out of court with their plaintiff, rather than facing prosecution for their misdeeds.

In 2016, when asked why he was coming back to politics, Tun Mahathir said that getting rid of Najib Razak was his priority.

It has taken six years for that to happen. Najib is now a convicted felon and serving time in jail.

Lessons learned from what the Johor royal thugs did to Gomez and Tun Mahathir's stated objective when coming back into politics before PRU14? Hindsight is not the purview of the royals nor of Najib Razak.

Now Dollah Pendek have to decide if he will pardon Najib Razak?

Will the government of the day allow him to do so, or, want him to do so?

And more critical, does the people of Malaysia want that pardon to be given to Najib?

If Dollah gets it wrong, the time left for royals to ply their trade will indeed be very pendek. The royals do not have a say in their continued survival and relevance as Sultans. That is decided by the government of the day, elected by the Rakyat.

So Dollah, think carefully and think well what you must do.

Already, the petition started by Bersih yesterday, to ask you to NOT grant a pardon to Najib has gathered 105,063 signatures of support as of 10.30 am this Saturday morning - 27th August.

Let us say Amen to that...and yes, I have signed! Have you?

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Aug 31, 2022

I signed but still think he will be pardoned...all satu gang lah.


Alfred lim
Alfred lim
Aug 28, 2022

No, I didn't I believe he will be pardoned maybe 500mil and 6months later....😊😊💃💃☕☕


Johan Taharin
Johan Taharin
Aug 27, 2022

Ros may require umno to appoint a new president this september 2022. the new supreme council may want their ex party president to serve jail term and are not too keen on the king to pardon him.


Dave Jay
Aug 27, 2022

Amen! Done!

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