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HOBBIT, KERALAMAN: Check records of all private aircraft entering and exiting Subang Airport....

Writer's picture: Hussein Abdul HamidHussein Abdul Hamid

Hopefully, something positive and constructive will come out of this Daim saga. Otherwise, this Unity Govt will be discredited.

A lot of forensic work has been done.

The "problem" is that quite many very influential individuals, some still holding high and well-paid positions, are still around..

And they outnumber those who were victimized and suffered in silence.

But Hobbit's arrogance is intact.

He issued a statement that stated that "Anwar has a 30yr vindictiveness against him...and Ilham Tower is only a small amount of his total assets"

To him. , laws are for Rakyats, not for him, Keralaman, and his cronies.

Ever heard of LHDN filing for Bankruptcy against a delinquent taxpayer who couldn't settle RM20k owing?

Or Allahyarham Tunku who had to pay thousands annually till his passing away, for outstanding income taxes ....ordered by Keralaman.

These laws don't apply to Hobbit & Keralaman.

He was carrying stuff for Oldfart too. Right. Police & Immigration & Custom Chiefs were informed by PMO that no action is to be taken when this thief left with stuffs out of the country in private jets.

From my old contact who used to work at Private Planes Services at Old Subang Airport....

They were flying out millions....unchecked.

So were goods brought back by a certain very fat Lady after shopping overseas.

All landed at Subang Airport.

And no one dared to touch.

Kena balun dengan handbag full of tangkai


Tq Bro.

Sums up the feelings of most of us.

Add a few more shady but menyakitkan hati news about Hobbitman

Check records of all private aircraft entering and exiting Subang Airport...when Hobbitman was in power.

There must be quite a number with passengers carrying bags..unchecked by Customs, Border Guards, and Immigration...flying off to destinations when Hobbitman has banks.

These should be interesting disclosures.

No Forex Permits from Bank Negara.

No Taxes paid.

No records.

Suddenly Hobbit Bank. sprouts in countries where AMLA is nonexistent.....and Bolehland is also a culture.

Then check recipients of Bumi Allocation of shares for IPOs.

Then check on who was given Equity in Phillip Morris, the manufacturers of lucrative upmarket of well-known cigarettes, when PM was forced to close their HK operations and Hobbitman welcomed them to set up a plant in Malaysia.

Suddenly all Hobbits nominees were smoking Salem, Camel, Pall Mall.

More stories about the cynical adventures of Hobbitman, who assumed that we are all STUPID AND TAK TAU💣

Ramai sangat rakyat Malaysia yang tahu aktiviti Diam tapi pihak berkuasa buat tak nampak je...berapa banyak duit umno dlm pegangan dia..malah ramai lagi spepatutnya....tsrny contoh. Cari dan tangkap sampai lobang cacing mereka ni.

If the country can recoup 50% of the stolen money back to the country then we can pay the outstanding debts of RM1.1trilion That would be good enough for the country.

Rasanya inshaaallah boleh jika PMX works on it seriously. Siasat saja duit Atuk di Taiwan and all duit negara yang Daim dan Atuk curi. Especially duit RM1000 nk RM500 dulu. Rampas semua duit and aset2 Daim dan Atuk.

That's the only way for the country to put everything in order economically.

Ling Leong Sek, Sammy Vellu, Taib Mahmud and all their kroni2. Siasat dan rampas aset2 mereka.

The problem is that nobody in the country dares to tell the truth when Atuk and Daim are in the picture...

Betul tu.

Bukan isu nampak atau tidak. Ini isu masing-masing jaga periuk nasi masing-masing.

Masih tak berjawab soalan saya.

Bila nak buat sistem pengurangan ketirisan subsidi yg diminati berpuluh juta orang asing dan PATI?

We had discussed about this more than 10 years. Apa dah jadi. Habuk pun tarak!!! Retorik menyeronokkan masa minum kopi di kedai Mamak.

Saya tak sepatutnya berdendam tapi masih sakit hati terhadap mereka yg tolong bungkus Twitter saya 5 tahun yg lepas.

Bukan Twitter taraf longkang. Berjuta yg ekses setiap bulan.

At that point in time we considered Daim as a highly respected individual and Atuk was the PM4 during that time. Daim was a very tricky and smart individual. Irregardless his soft spoken n quiet nature...

Anyway, why Daim open bank in Africa? If it's not for his money laundering activity because they don't have AMBLA there. Right??

The ICB Branches are everywhere. There's ICB in Indonesia too...Sarajevo, Prague, and Budapest, Panama, Carmen Island where Atuk gets his Equinity Ship that once he claimed belonged to Jlow stolen from 1MDB money and at Eastern European region.

I sort of suspected that Daim moved his money to certain parts of the world. Daim moved the money without the Central Bank's Protocol. I sensed that Daim was a BAD BOY A really bad one, indeed...

From the ancient history of Daim's boys like Tajudin Ramly, Halim Saad, Razali Rahman whom he groomed ended up turning their back on him WHY???Due to his very tricky mindset. Until today nobody can read his mind ...

There's lots more that I can share with you about Daim but I think I better not.

If you ask me whether he and Atuk deserve to be in Jail answer is a definite "YES" Mereka dah balun duit negara terlalu banyak.

Sahabat saya cakap di Morroco pun banyak bank2 Daim. Masuk bank itu nampak gambar besar Daim Zainuddin terpampang.....,


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Alfred lim
Alfred lim
Dec 28, 2023

Ha Ha Ha...Its NOT that Diam is tricky and smart....anyone in that position can do much horror better than him....Remember Sri Lankan Brothers-in-government....Thanks to "Transparent/NO Corruption at lowest level" promo red-dot country wearing white shirt clothing blackest inside 🤣

Not surprised Diam is channeling funds to (72) British/American Virgin Islands for his last days horse riding 🥰🥰🥰

Its all bcos 1 hand cant clap...simple


Gudie 11
Gudie 11
Dec 27, 2023

It's mixed feelings to read that Daim's portrait illumines the walls of distant banks .. we should be proud, but .. he was not a bad guy in the beginning, a brave adventurer who played with fire .. there were sparks and fireworks and fires .. but no real plunder as said .. Actually, stealing only happens if there is a Fence .. A Fence is a Receiver of Stolen Property .. so no fence means no snatch thefts .. the Fence Countries have to be called out .. Pirates raided in the name of the Sovereign, shared the loot and were knighted .. it's still the same model .. Tangkap, tangkap ..


naidu simon
naidu simon
Dec 27, 2023

Couldn't wait to see the new Agong installed

Is he going to bring a wrecking ball?

Hope so

Will there be carnage ?

Hope so

Interesting times we live in


Dec 27, 2023

If one can do the unforgivable to Allahyarham Tunku at his old age, there should be no pity to these two if they are in the wrong….


Arun Paul
Arun Paul
Dec 27, 2023

Aamiin, Ya Rabbal Alamin


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