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Writer's pictureHussein Abdul Hamid


We all try, in our own way, to be activists. We go to demonstrations to protest unfair elections. We turn up at Bukit Aman, at Dataran Merdeka and even gather together in Bangsar and at places we are needed, to show support for whatever causes that needed our support. Some of us write. Some of us are up there on stage telling anyone who will listen to us, what needs to be done to keep those politicians honest. We talk against corruption, We talk about the high cost of living. About politicians whose cakap tak serupa bikin.

Sometimes we do these things together with others who are like-minded. Sometimes we do these things in the quiet of the night, alone in our rooms at odd hours in the early morning.

At times, some of us have to make sacrifices. Financial, physical, and even having to face the physical onslaught of the authorities as they try to "maintain order" and take into custody some of us who are a threat to our "nation's security".

Throughout all these struggles and challenges in doing these things that we all believe in, some of us are willing to put our physical selves on the line in order to try and achieve our lofty goals - to do what is right for Malaysian and Malaysia.

And throughout these years since independence and still now, many of us will keep trying to do all these things because these struggles will never stop.

Like all of us, in his life, Harris Ibrahim tried to do all these things and more. In his death we all know that his passing will be mourned by many, his passing will give strength to all of us to continue with the struggles he had championed, and in his death, we now know that his cakap serupa bikin.

In his untimely death, I can only say this of Harris. We all try, but Harris Ibrahim succeeded. Alfatihah.

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1 Comment

Alfred lim
Alfred lim
Aug 07, 2023

He would have lived longer had he NOT did the chemo.....Well that's wishful thinking..... Spiritually Malaysia has spawn a ZORRO (Chinese-fairness) Samy Vellu (Indian-menial works) Harris (Malay-leisure) waiting for the horse (Kutty-facilitate) for Journey to the West (Enlightenment Knowledge-Humanity) ☕☕☕

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