In the first few hundred hours of this DSAI-led mixed government, Malaysians everywhere must be forgiven if they are to think that the festive season is upon them. Yesterday we had Santa Claus coming into town with his bag of goodies, and he is not too bothered about who is naughty and who is nice. If you are Malaysian, you get a present. Just look at what Santa Claus left for us under the Xmas tree!
Not to be outdone by the badan berkanun, JPA is getting their presents early...very early!
The Persawah are also getting their Xmas bonus of RM10 million before Xmas.
And LRT commuters are getting escalators fixed. This Anthony Loke guy dares to show his face not only at the LRT stations but also on the LRT !!! Aiyah the last time, there was any good news about the LRT was when Pasarana Chairman, Tajuddin Rahman, got sacked.
Today we hear such phrases as "zero compromises", and "welfare of the rakyat are being looked into". What is going to come next? Jakim's budget is going to be drastically cut? Don't smirk and say "No lah. Cannot!". If Zafrul is in the Cabinet, anything is possible, kan?
We are still waiting for what other presents will be left under the Xmas tree on Xmas eve for us to find on Xmas day.
And do not forget that the New Year is just around the corner and everybody celebrates New Year...wonder what PMX has got in store for all of us for the New Year.
For Malaysian everywhere, we can now start the day with the expectation that it will only get better after our Nasi Lemak breakfast ... especially if our PMX calls the press for a briefing after a Cabinet meeting!
Notwithstanding Xmas or New Year, we know that we can expect good things to come in the coming days as DSAI takes us all into the New year. People are smiling again. The talk among friends having Roti Canai and Teh Tarik in the Mamak Stalls is about the latest happenings in Cabinet - all good. About the people in public service who are being sacked or replaced...all deserved. And everyone has a story to tell about PMX... all positive. Malaysia is open for business. Malaysians once again are hopeful that 'ini kali' or 'kali ini' common sense and grace will prevail in a government with DSAI at the helm. Let us all say Amen to that. Amen.
even if Zahid strongly feels that he needed Jazlan or there will be no tom, the least he sh do as part of due process (tatakelola/governance) is to get Anwar re appoint the guy as that’s under his perview as FM .. that’s why he ordered Zuki to make a blanket termination first .. to be fair I think in any political democracy, it’s expected that the winner will have to consider first their political colleagues to be ministers n other govt related positions too.. what’s impt is to get the most suitably qualified (meaning competent and trustworthy) as even non politicians can be corrupt and abusive too.. what’s impt is to pre warn that corruption is a No No..…
"Saya tak boleh untuk tak setuju untuk memberikan kepercayaan semula kepada Datuk Ahmad Jazlan. Dengan ini saya mengarahkan Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Kemajuan Desa dan Wilayah (Datuk Ramlan Harun) untuk mengeluarkan surat pelantikan semula dengan sesegera yang mungkin, tertakluk kepada persetujuan Menteri Kemajuan Desa dan Wilayah. "Menteri sudah bersetuju atas arahan Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Tidak mustahilah Datuk KSU segera menyempurnakan lantikan semula itu," katanya pada Majlis Sambutan 40 Tahun serta Mesyuarat Agung Perwakilan Kali ke-40 koperasi berkenaan malam ini. Kata no more politicians…😵💫🤔
But the health minister is not so good pak. I think that's not the person who should lead the health ministry.
Yes, things are back on right track!! Keep up the efforts and produce an excellent report card so that the opposition will have no issue to harp on!! Bravo! Kudos!!
Gd mng y'all! ☕️😻. Works are on the way for more presents for new year 🧧🎁 Structural reforms are put to action now to handle cost of living as early as next week.
Yes! The tekanan sara hidup for the B40 and M40 and its impact will be reduced immediately.👍
The rakyat are excited and expecting the government to announce a reduction of 22 % harga telor and as much as 10% for meat,sayur sayuran and price of makanan laut by next week. No more cartels. No more ap for food imports.
Harga minyak is the clear winner with the petrol price to go down as low as rgt1.70 per liter. This will be a magical act as it will…