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Writer: Hussein Abdul HamidHussein Abdul Hamid

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

Never has so many Malays owe so much to just so few Malays for what the Malays have now become with the exception of the Tunku. Tunku was a confirmed anglophile whose love for the British ways was charming and his commitment to all Malaysians, regardless of race and religion, was most endearing. But no Malay by any stretch of their imagination can give thanks to Tunku for making the Malays what they are today. No sir, Tunku has nothing to do with what the Malays are today! Those Malays who can claim responsibility for making the Malays into what they are today, comes after Tunku.

Every Malay leader since Tunku, from Tun Razak onwards, were committed to affirmative action policies that promoted Malay rights and were designed to improve the economic position of the Malays and advance the cause of Islam.

The official language became Malay. The religion of Malaysia is 'almost' Islam. Malaysia’s Malays were feted and lauded through targets and affirmative action in areas such as corporate ownership and university admission that were designed to advance the Malay cause in all things Malaysians.

Between Umno and Pas, Islam from time to time, experienced resurgence, being more religious and more conservative, and some would mischievously say, even bordering on extremism, as Malay leaders from Pas and Umno vie to outdo each other to not only be be a political leader for the Malays but also its religious leader too.

Mahathir established the International Islamic University of Malaysia which promoted Islamic education. He attracted Anwar Ibrahim, the leader of the Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement to join Umno. For UMNO it was always “Demi Bangsa dan Ugama”. UMNO’s goals has always been to uphold the aspirations of Malay nationalism, the concept of Ketuanan Melayu and it aspires to protect the Malay culture as the national culture and to uphold, defend and expand Islam across Malaysia.

For Pas, from the day it was formed, its long-term goal is to turn Malaysia into an Islamic state. Allahuakbar!

Full membership in PPBM is limited to Malays. The main objectives of the party is that Islam will remain the religion of the Federation and to uphold the dignity and sovereignty of the institution of the Malay Rulers, maintain the special position of the Malays in Malaysia and empower Malay as the national language

There you have it….all the Malay political entities, Umno, Pas and PPBM are focused and committed to the advancement of the Malays and of Islam. So really we Malays and Islam should be grateful to these Malay and Islamic political entities! Why should the Malays be fighting amongst ourselves? Why should the Malay and Islamic centric political entities of Umno, Pas and PPBM be fighting among themselves. They are all champions of the Malays, for the Malays and they are all Malays!

But wait...really…what are the Malays today?

One word and one word above all else, comes to my mind. One word today defines the Malays : CORRUPT. Yes the Malays are the most corrupt among all Malaysians. How corrupt? 1MDB - the biggest scam the world has even known - the Malays are responsible. The largest financial and political scandals of Malaysia - the Malays are the perpetrators. The political shenanigans and abuse and misuse of political power for financial gains -the Malays. The largest and ongoing corporate scandals - the Malays. Stealing from Tabung Haji - the Malays. The mismanagement of the raging Covid pandemic. The Malays. The mismanagement of the floods. The Malays. Every conceivable use, abuse of political power and public office - the Malays. A ex prime minister who is now a convicted felon - he is a Malay and a Muslim.

And today…Tangkap Azam Baki, the corrupt head of SPRM - a Malay. A King whose greed for money spans his time as the Sultan of Pahang and now continues when he is King - a Malay. Those heading Jakim, Jawi and all the other Islamic institution that has budgets running into the billions and yet are responsible for the most appalling promotion…some would insist the demotion of Islam - are funded By a Malay centric BN/PN government and run by Malays.

So I repeat - all that the Malays are today, we owe to those Malay leaders from Tun Razak to today - whether from Umno, Pas or PPBM.

Maybe that is why the Malays are the way there are today. Maybe that is why despite the oft repeated “Demi Bangsa dan Ugama” mantra constantly and consistently repeated at every dammed opportunity by Umno, Pas and PPBM, they will always be fighting among themselves instead of fighting for the Malays. Forever they will be fighting amongst themselves for their own vested political and financial interests….not the interest of the Malays or for Islam.

And who, among them, shall be the eventual winner in PRU15 should really not concern you, or me, or the Malay Race or Islam. In truth, all this “Demi Bangsa dan Ugama” is really nothing more that a convenient means to an end - and that is to advance their own selfish interest, and certainly not the cause of the Malays or of Islam. Enough said.

Note : And this is the conclusion suggested by one of our friends this morning...and I concur! Thank you

Yes, with all the authority, power and wealth that has been acquired illegally, unethically and immorally as a community the Malays have turned their backs on the noble values upheld by the Tunku, the two Tun Ismails and other pioneers of our country. Today UMNO and PAS and their offshoots have become decadent, obsessed with power not for the common good but for personal and private enrichment and empowerment. Perhaps the Malays must realise that the common good can only come from the younger Malays like Fahmi Fadzil, Rafizi Ramli. Zaid Ibrahim, Syed Saddiq and some leaders of AMANAH. If the Malays don't embrace new leaders from outside UMNO and PAS not only the community but the country would be doomed. Serious thought has to be given to this. Certainly there is no place for Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi and Azam Baki in the public domain. We must realise that.

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I am a better leader than all names you have mention above, second to none, support me to total reset Malaysia


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