Who cares?
Do you think that Daddy is already missing his Caramel Macchiato when he is not even a week into serving a twelve-year jail sentence? What nonsense!
Surely Daddy's thought must be on the second case, which involves four charges of using his position to obtain bribes totaling RM2.3 billion from 1MDB funds and 21 charges of money-laundering involving the same amount.
Then there is his third case, where he and Irwan Serigar Abdullah are facing joint charges of six criminal breaches of trust involving RM6.64 billion of government funds in their capacity as finance minister and Treasury secretary-general respectively where they will face up to 20 years in jail and whipping, as well as a fine if convicted.
And do not forget the other case of the 1MDB audit report tampering case where Daddy is charged with power abuse!
Daddy will be missing his Caramel Macchiato for a good many more years to come....of that I am sure!
I suggest, Yana, that you think about the things that really matter.
How are Daddy and Mummy going to deal with what is to come as they go through the courts facing charges of corruption, money laundering, and abuse of power? Think about what you, your children, and those who can link themselves to Tun Razak, will have to do to make right the wrongs that your Daddy and Mummy have done in their lifetime. And think how you can try to save and preserve the legacy that Tun Razak left when he literally died in the service of our nation!
Umno lost its first general election, under Daddy's watch for reasons we are all too familiar with....1MDB. Will Daddy again be the cause of Umno's failing in the next general because Umno has been hijacked by Uncle Zahid to keep himself, Daddy, Mummy, and the Umno court cluster out of jail where they belong?
Here is the thing about Uncle Zahid.
He thinks only in terms of what he can do as president of Umno. He thinks only about what he can do if Umno is behind him in the things that he wants to do. And he thinks of what he can do if Umno wins PRU15 and what he can do when he is prime minister.
He does not think in terms of what he needs to do to remain as president of Umno, what he must do to get Umno behind him, what he must do to ensure the Umno wins PRU15, and what he must do to become prime minister.
He dreams, but he does not do.
He thinks of himself to be among the elites and the privileged in Umno. And of course, as president of Umno, he is up there among the privileged in Umno. Privileged in wealth, maybe, but not in intellect. And without intellect, how will Zahid Hamidi lead Umno?
He is not even Ismail Sabri's equal when it comes to politics.
Three days ago, he gave vent to what he has been trying to do for the past two years - to have a PRU dengan segera. And forthwith, Umno's MKT was to meet that same night to give him the mandate to meet with the prime minister and instruct the prime minister that Umno wants a PRU dengan sagera. That was three days ago. What happened?
Observe how Ismail Sabri has been able to carry on doing government even as Zahid Hamidi does all he can to undermine Ismail Sabri's position within Umno and within government - all unsuccessfully.

Umno no longer does the bidding of its president unquestioningly.
The masses within Umno may still have a herd mentality and follow their Ketuas Bahagians with a loyalty finely honed by money and self-interest BUT does Zahid Hamidi have enough Ketua Bahagians to ensure his survival within Umno? I think not.
The consensus among those that will decide the future of Umno is that with Zahid Hamidi at the helm, Umno Keramat, will soon be Umno Kiamat, and it is imperative that they remove Zahid Hamidi as president before Umno tamat!
Umno Tiga is now a work in progress.
Enough said.
Was just reading what Rosmah's daughter was saying about this evil family. Karma is taking its toll.
Her mama is making history tomorrow (thursday ). She might miss her Starbuck coffee as it keep them awake at night ! 😏🤔😒
Wake up girl!! Get in touch with reality!!