Yesterday, looking at the tenancy agreement that I signed when I first moved into my present unit, I saw that I started my tenancy on 29/10/2012. That was over ten years ago. It has been that long since I moved into this less than a1000 square feet, two bedroom, one bathroom, kitchen cum dining room cum living room unit - then with my dear wife and Zach - my son. Five years ago we lost my wife, his mother, to dementia. Over time, we have learned to adjust to a life without her. Over time, we have learned to live again.
This is my room - where I write about all the things that matter to me. Mostly about home - Kuala Lumpur and about life. Mine. And on my right, within easy reach, is my book of the moment. Not the book that I am reading, but the book that I go to, time and time again to read passages from the book that have not left my mind. These last two weeks, sitting there within easy reach is MANDELA The Authorised Portrait.
Of course, you cannot go past Nelson Mandela's statement at the opening of the defense case in the Rivonia Trial (Pretoria Supreme Court, April 20, 1964) that concluded with these heartfelt words "During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die". These are words that even now,
almost fifty years later, you can picture Mandela saying it in that Pretoria Supreme Court.
I also remember what Mandela said of life.
So great a man and yet with so much humility within him. Honesty, sincerity, simplicity, humility, pure generosity, absence of vanity, readiness to serve others - qualities, which Mandela said, are within easy reach of every soul. All that I can try to do is to try and live my life as he lived his. We all tried, but Mandela succeeded. He lived that life!
It is now 1.29 am. Wednesday morning. These last couple of days one name has been on my mind. Fahmi Fadzil....yes that Lembah Pantai MP cum Minister. There was a time, maybe two years back when I could message him on stuff and things and get a message back from him. Not anymore. Somehow, being a Minister has put him higher up the ladder. A word of advice for nice to the people you meet on your way up the ladder because you meet the same people on your way down.
He is the wet behind the ears, belum bersunat political novice whose latest exploit is to throw Wan Azizah and Nurul under the bus with his latest cause célèbre....LIBERAL INTERNATIONAL. You know the details ....suffice for me to say this: The INTERNET, when prompted, will tell you many things. Some you want to know. Some you don't. You have been less than truthful in dismissing claims that PKR is linked to LIBERAL INTERNATIONAL. It is done. You made a mistake - just say sorry and move on.
And Fahmi, just a year ago, your fate and PKR's fate hanged a lot on the work of others.... including bloggers. Don't you fucking forget that. Do not make keeping us off the NET your life work because even now, you have already upset a few bloggers and they are asking me if I have anything on you that they could use to make life difficult for you. The short answer to that is "No I don't" but they will keep digging. So back off. Leave us bloggers alone.
Enough for now. I have got to try and write some serious stuff what is happening in GAZA, and other geopolitics stuff that is not really my cup of tea.....but hey, I want you guys to think that this 75-year-old blogger knows what is happening out there in the US, the Middle East and Ukraine kan? So I will try.