Selamat Pagi Malaysia
The conversations, if you can call it that, on PRN Johore, is deafening. Too many voices saying too many things about nothing in particular. What you hear out there is about promises not kept, betrayal, pengkhianats, realignments of factional divides along race, religion, gender, and of course, across political divides. And Frogs and riff raffs. For surely in the political conundrum that is Johore, there must be some easy pickings for Frogs and political riff raffs kan?

Pick what they want. Do what frogs do, lompat, but we are already seeing in Johor what is to come in the days ahead as PRU15 looms. Simply said, the Opposition, which, for lack of a better phrase, is Pakatan Harapan, is waking up from its indulgent slumber. There is a sense of vigor, though some would insist it is not vigor but desperation, that is stirring within PH. Is DSAI getting his act together? Or is it a case of too little too late?
If Malacca is a done deal, will Johor follow suit?
That will depend on whom you are asking that question of. I will say that BN will prevail and confirm Umno's boast that Johor, dulu, kini dan selama lama nya, is Umno's to hold and to have. To others, win or lose in Johor, what matters are the lessons to be learned in Johor.
That will depend on what lessons have been learned by Pakatan Harapan from the Malacca debacle. One lesson PH did not learn from Malacca dates back to what lessons they should have learned from PRU14. The rakyat in PRU14, voted for PH. It is disingenuous of PKR to think itself able to secure more votes under its own flag than under PH's flag.
Now let us move on.
MUDA got some kerusi from PH. Why? If it is MUDA's intention to strengthen the Opposition/PH...then would it not have been better for MUDA to unselfishly throw its weight behind PH and campaign to help PH win seats in Johor? I am just asking these questions - I am not going into the pros and cons of what is right and what is wrong. Work that out for yourself.
Why only MUDA? Are there not others that DSAI can co-op into PH to make PH stronger and more relevant to the rakyat and more formidable an opponent to BN? Of course, there are, but personalities get in the way of these "get together's" kan? DSAI, as leader of the opposition, you have got to sort it out.
Any way, the die is cast. After Johor I am sure there will be other PRNs. Kedah or Perak, perhaps? Get your act together PH. If you want to quarrel amongst yourself, do so in the confines of a safe, secured, and soundproof room. We do not want to hear of those quarrels. If you all still agree to disagree, then consensus prevails and everyone gets behind what has been agreed upon by consensus. And always remember what comes first. The rakyat.
And a dose of humility and grace would help.
Saya sayang Malaysia.
Hussein Hamid
14th February 2022
UMNO will make a clean sweep if PH is not able to get its act together. Strength in unity, focus on winning each seat contested, be it PKR, DAP, MUDA, or Amanah. Forget about Tun, or any other personalities.