On behalf of Maj Hj Mior Rosli bin Mior Mohd Jaafar, PSPRM President - 8 Dec 2023
Assalamualaikum and Greetings to all ATM Veterans and those who always support our struggle.
First of all, I would like to apologize on behalf of our lawyer, Tuan Haniff Katri for the High Court's decision to set a new date for the hearing/hearing of our pension adjustment claim case at the High Court yesterday. Because there are still many people who still do not understand what the court's decision was yesterday (7.12.2023), I am called to explain again so that we do not start blaming any party, whether it is the defendant or the court.
What actually happened, on 1st December 2023 (Friday) the Attorney General made a written submission (60 pages) to the Kuala Lumpur High Court. A copy of the argument only reached our lawyer on Monday (4th December 2023) and our lawyer could only read it in full on the following day (5th December 2023). Our lawyer found that the Attorney General's argument needs to be answered but research also needs to be done. Since there is only one (1) day for the date of the hearing/hearing (December 7, 2023), our lawyer has no other choice but to apply for the date of the hearing/hearing to be postponed. Because the high court was unable to see the full court schedule, the court approved the adjournment to a new date which is 23rd August 2024. I also apologize for not canceling the gathering of the Veterans because some have booked buses, tickets and some who are working have taken leave and We have also made special T-shirts for the event.
Alhamdulillah, yesterday during the Zoom hearing between our lawyers, the attorney general, and judges from their respective offices, the KL High Court Judge was surprised by the presence of thousands of ATM veterans outside the court yesterday. At the discretion of the Judge, he has set a new hearing/hearing date which is 5th February 2024. I am also grateful to our lawyer who is willing to come to our gathering at the Court from his office in Kota Damansara to explain what happened and also court procedure. Thank you Mr. Haniff Katri.
I would also like to take the opportunity here to inform all ATM veterans and supporters of our struggle, whether they are PSPRM members or not, that Tuan Haniff Katri is willing to represent us for free (Pro Bono). But I need to state here that bringing the case to court is not free. Many fees, court costs, stationary costs, labor costs and other costs need to be paid. It would be unfair if we put all these costs on Tuan Haniff Katri and his law firm 100%. Similarly, we at PSPRM also need to have finances to move. I myself am willing to stop working and fight for the fate of this ATM veteran full time as possible. If I work and eat a salary, my employer will definitely fire me because I have to focus on PSPRM 24 hours a day.
Therefore, I sincerely appeal to all PSPRM veterans and supporters to donate as much as possible to PSPRM so that we can cover the cost of our lawyers and move PSPRM. Donate to us through our PSPRM Account, at CIMB 8605334787.
I sincerely want to inform all PSPRM members including myself that we do not have any personal agenda other than to fight for the fate and remember the services of our ATM veterans who have been willing to risk their lives and are willing to leave their children and wives to defend the sovereignty and security of the country and its people. *We are also proposing to invite retirees from PDRM to join us and fight for the fate of police retirees who are also at a time when together we pledged our lives to defend the safety and security of this country. I also invite Wives/Husbands/Children/Son-in-law/grandchildren of ATM and Retired PDRM veterans to become members of PSPRM so that our fate and that of our families, including those who are about to retire, will be protected and live happily. We still have the physical or mental strength to help the state and central government to develop this country, God willing. Let us unite and avoid discord between us. Let us build this country for the sake of our grandchildren and future generations. There are many more plans that I haven't announced yet apart from our pension issue.
I also want to tell the government that we are not a liability or an enemy to the government but we are friends and valuable assets. We do not have a partisan political agenda but we dare to reprimand anyone who we see is wrong and who will damage the country and the paradigm of the multi-racial and religious people in this country.
That's all for an introduction from me.
Wassallam and Greetings.
The True and Sincere
*Major Mior Rosli RMAF (Retired), J.S.D; P. J. M.; LLM; HRD MSc; LLB; Dip Pub Adm; Dip Pol Sc. President of the Malaysian People's Patriotic Voice Organization (PSPRM).