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Writer's pictureHussein Abdul Hamid

Always take sides...silence is not a choice!

I know the Malay way of life. Respect for our elders. The family is your life and your world. Plenty of grace and plenty of respect for everyone.

My mother prayed. Every day without fail. I see her in her white telekong, on her prayer mat, supplicating herself before ALLAH. After her prayers, she lingers a while, beseeching ALLAH to bless us all and giving her thanks to ALLAH for all that HE has bestowed upon her and her family. Islam was her guide in life. Around her, we lived our life. Even Bapak was under her aura. When she was taken from us much too soon, everything as we know it, no longer works. Family life as we knew it disintegrated. Today, whatever is left of that family has almost disappeared.

That Malay way of life is now in retreat. Yet it will not die. It will not go away. It lingers within the keeping of other Malays who had lived through that era. The yearning within my generation, for the past, is palpable. The memories of a life filled with grace and respect for each other, achingly linger.

Today, Malays are finding that the ways of old, ask too much of them. They would have those ways disappear now, rather than later because the realities of life now make it impossible for them to go back to the time that I had lived. Nowhere do I see it more evident than in the manner Malay youths have been used and abused by our political elders, who should have known better - for are not these political elders the guardians of these young Malays who are our future?

Najib Razak beguiled, bewitched, and besotted Malay youths with his "Malu Apa" BossKu persona. Free petrol for their bikes, pocket money to turn up at ceramahs and what have you. Instant gratification of the monetary kind for these Malay youths from BossKu to serve Najib's personal political agenda.

PAS/HADI went the other way. Their promise was of another kind - what is to come in the hereafter. This did not cost PAS/Hadi anything...just promises made. Even then, those who believed them had to die first before they were rewarded. How clever was that? It worked because, for many Malay youths, there was nothing to look forward to in their life on earth...better the promise of 72 virgins to come. At least they can endure their present miseries.

Then, as if God sent, the vote for 18 years came at the right time for PAS. Unwittingly, a perfect storm was being concocted for PAS by the very people who stood to lose the most. PRU15 was the perfect storm that PAS needed to try and take government. The perennial losers, Hadi and Mahiaddin saw their chances and took it. PN saw the coming together of the most evil, greedy, and incompetent herd of Malay leaders that we have never had the opportunity to see before. They came from everywhere...PAS, Bersatu, Umno, PKR....and they found shelter and acceptance under PN. A quasi-religious movement that had only one matalamat: political power to enable them to do what they have been doing in the past - steal, plunder, scam our nation again. And so came into being the Green Wave that swept almost all that was put before them.

But providence worked against that...and history now tells us how that came about. DSAI, Zahid Hamidi, among others, and the good King worked together to have the Unity Government in Putrajaya, instead of a PAS.

Has the lessons of what Najib Razak and his Malu Apa BossKu persona had done to push Malay Youths towards PN been learned? The Jury is still out on that, but what is worrying for me is the pushaway from the UG government led by DSAI.


Under DSAI I see no Ops Lallang.

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) stated that Malaysia had been ranked 73rd with 62.83 points in the 2023 World Press Freedom Index compared to the 113th spot with 51.55 points last year. Malaysia is also ranked the highest among Asean countries.

Are Bloggers and social media being harassed by MCMC? Several Malaysian ISPs were implementing what appeared to be an MCMC-mandated block. So maybe yes ....but MCMC is going softly softly and is mindful of our concerns.

There is dissent.

PMX is being hantam left and right - and he takes it all with a grain of salt, but is not reticent in hantaming back when it suits him. Personally, I now censor myself and try to write in a more responsible manner....though many orders are getting bolder and more personal with their writings and comments. To each his/her own. I can live with what I do in my blog.

A healthy back-and-forth banter between those in this UG government, and we, the rakyat exists. Nobody is too worried about getting that dreaded door knock in the early hours of the morning from SB. The Opposition has its problems with PDRM and SPRM, but all in all, DDNA seems to be the norm rather than the exception. They are happy, but we are not. Some say Reformasi sudah mati, some say Reformasi ada lagi, while PMX insists that Madani mesti di tepati!

We are not having things our way, neither is PMX and his Unity Government. It is a work in progress, but we are moving forward. Not the three steps forward and two steps backward kind of moving forward - but moving forward slow and steady. After UMNO, after Mahathir, after Mahiaddin and Ismail Sabri this is indeed promising. Kan?.

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3 comentarios

13 sept 2023

Either way it the people that suffers. We have been moving for the past 6o years to no where. There is no moving forward slow and steady. China took more than 4000 years to be what she is today. Sorry, Malaysia is done, regardless of the pace.

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naidu simon
naidu simon
12 sept 2023

What you see with the Madani man is a mirage. He lets people think

he is s moderate and progressive . In truth , he is more extreme than

Hadi. Increased and steady permeation of Islam into every aspects of life

now. Hadi is in your face type and Madani man is backdoor type. Just

look at his education appointment or increased role for Jakim or introduction

Islamic module. A lot of people forgot about his ties to Brotherhood

As for his economics , it just stinks . Nothing changed, Monopolies and

cronyism still rule. Come to judiciary and it is no different to Mahatir

Madani man to change Malaysia for better , don"t hold your breath

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12 sept 2023

Author has it right. Just thinking of the alternative gives me the shakes

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