I say mooooo to Rafizi coming back to PKR. I want to continue keeping Cows in my condos. The Cows are well looked after and enjoy living in the condos. If Rafizi comes back, the cows will no longer be able to live in those condos. Not fair to the cows. The Cows cannot speak for themselves. On behalf of those cows, I do not want Rafizi to come back to PKR : Kak Ijat

The rakyat are fed up with hearing about 1MDB, about Joh Low and how Kepit Man and Flom have been siphoning money out of our national coffers. Rafizi will tell us more. Cukup lah! : Pekan Mari.
We are fed up listening to stories about how 5000 concerned Malaysians donated to Invoke within 48 hours. Why does INVOKE need any money? Most of those young, educated and dedicated people in INVOKE are being paid little or even no money kan? What does Rafizi do with all that money? I know at least 3 million Malays who will not donate to INVOKE : Ahli Umno no: 12155.
All Rafizi do is to expose the wrongdoings of people in government and public officials. Aiyah we people in government also want to cari makan. Kasi chance lah. I still got to pay for the Condo and the BMW I bought for my mistress. And some of these Public Officials also have to pay for the upkeep of two, three or even four wives. With Rafizi around, all this fun and games will be extensively curtailed, if not stopped altogether! So we corrupt government and public officials do not want Rafizi around : ex DG of one Kementerian.
My Bank Details are private. How many millions I have in my Bank, where the money comes from, and what I do with the money and whom I pay the money to, are nobody’s business but mine. Rafizi has been found guilty of illegally releasing financial details related to the National Feedlot Corporation, which was set up to promote the beef industry. Whether those details proved corruption or not, is immaterial. He has been found guilty. People like Rafizi should be put behind bars so that cows can live happily ever after : CC (Cowgate Conspirators)
Aiyah this Rafizi is always holding the government accountable for doing anything illegal and wrong. And he is always exposing corrupt government officials and corrupt politicians. If he continues to do this, how is the government going to function? He is a troublemaker.
Ketua Pengarah Kementerian dalam PN government.
Rafizi Ramli has been on the wrong side of the law a number of times. Here is proof.

Do we want someone who has been arrested by PDRM involved in Politics? I say NO! Rafizi should be banned from taking part in any election, banned from holding any public office, and instead be sent, forthwith, to Sungai Buloh for the term of his natural life.
WIll & Balance of SPRM.
Hussein Hamid
16th February 2022
Having said all that sir we Need Rafizi back to have some hope for the future, not just him Nurul, YBPantai , Ong, Wong Chen , etc are badly required . There are some talented young malay professionals in the cohort of Rafizi together they will make a formidable team . They need financial support and yes they will get it.
Hope Nurul follows suit, and the others who left PKR. We need these young people with integrity in PKR to begin to have hope again.