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Writer's pictureHussein Abdul Hamid

Sophia Loren

Beautiful words Written by Sophia Loren (Italian Actress)...

"When I got enough confidence, the stage was gone…..

When I was sure of Losing, I won…….

When I needed People the most, they Left me…….

When I learnt to dry my Tears, I found a shoulder to Cry on…… When I mastered the Skill of Hating, Someone started Loving me from the core of the Heart……

And, while waiting for Light for Hours when I fell asleep, the Sun came out….. That’s LIFE!!

No matter what you Plan, you never know what Life has Planned for you…… Success introduces you to the World……. But Failure introduces the World to you……. ……Always be Happy!! Often when we lose Hope and think this is the end… God smiles from above and says, “Relax Sweetheart; It’s just a Bend, not the End..!"


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Eappen K John
Eappen K John

As a student, I watched one of her movies entitled White Sister and was so smitten by her.


dr kamsiah
dr kamsiah

Thank you for sharing the great legend, Sophia Loren’s thoughts and experiences with us.

It's true that life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and sometimes when we think everything is going wrong, something good can come out of it.

It's important to remember that even though we can't control everything that happens to us, we can control how we respond to it. It's okay to feel disappointed or hurt when things don't go as planned, but we should always try to find a way to pick ourselves up and keep moving forward.

And when we feel like we've hit a dead end or lost all hope, it's important to remember that there's always a chance for things to…

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