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A Rush to Judgement.

Writer: Hussein Abdul HamidHussein Abdul Hamid

The Chinese are going to take over our country in ten years' time. The Indians are the perennial-forgotten race in Malaysia. The Chinese have to take care of themselves. They work hard, save their money and send their children overseas to study without help from the government. In Sabah and Sarawak they insist that the people in Semenanjung never care about them. And the Malays are not only being marginalized in their own country, but the Malay Royal is being disrespected by the non-Malays.

Everybody has their gripes, and we are not even looking at the three Rs...race, religion, and royalty. And you guys should listen to what they are saying about PMX!

You have your own thoughts on the state of the nation. You have your own views on what is happening in Umno, DAP, MIC, MCA, PKR, PAS. You seem to know the reason for every move made by PMX, by Zahid Hamidi, Muhyiddin....hell, by anybody out there. Even by that guy incarcerated in Kajang. Nothing escapes your eagle eye or the agile grey matter in that cranium of yours. You do not keep your views, your thoughts, and your inclinations to yourself. No Sir... over Teh Tarik, in Coffee Houses, in cakap cakap you have with friends and acquaintances.... even with those who would rather not listen to your go on talking, talking and talking.

You have to remember that this nation of ours has been deliberately and maliciously run into the ground by our own leaders. The scale of their misdeeds simply is impossible to conceive. Malaysia's national debt including liabilities has reached RM1.5 trillion. We now have an ex-prime minister in jail. His wife is still on trial. Corruption is now, in large measures, embedded in the DNA of political leaders. The deep state that encourages, and is part and parcel of keeping corruption thriving, still lies intact within the warm embrace of many in the Kerajaan. A living, breathing monster that seems impossible to dislodge from within the bowels of Putrajaya and State governments.

We cannot go on this way! You do not know the full facts. You are not as informed as you should be. With what little information you have, it would be better for you to hush your mouth ....because loose words spoken freely, make us rush to judgment. To judge PMX and this Unity Government in a rush, is not right.

We have never...I repeat....we have never been this close to change ever. We have never ever had a prime minister who has challenged himself to be the bastion that will keep corruption at bay. We have never had a prime minister that openly declares that he will not compromise nor will he back away from fighting corruption at all levels, against anyone who dares to think that they can get away with being corrupt. Anwar Ibrahim has staked his future, his survival, and the fate of the government that he leads, on stopping corruption. Do you not think that the very least you owe him is to allow him the opportunity and the time to do what he has pledged to do?

And the time he is asking to do what he has pledged to do is no more than what we have given him when we elected him prime minister. FIVE YEARS. He is not asking for more salary. Not asking for a bigger car. A bigger office. Hell, he is not even insisting that his daughter help him out...ok lah he did try...but we said "NO" and he listened to us, and now he is doing his work without the help of his daughter. How many of you have family helping out in the business you run? Does anybody tell you that it is wrong to have family help you out in your business? No one did, kan?

Do not think that I do not have my druthers in as far as Anwar is concerned. I have many questions I want to ask him. I want to know why he only asked RM$50 million from Syed Mokhtar for the Padi Farmers when he well knew that Syed Mokhtar is good for that RM50 million and more...much more. Not only that, but I want to ask him why he does not listen to what is being said by many of us... about the impossibility of earning a decent living, about the rising costs of many essential items, about why he continues to appoint politicians to GLC when he said he will not. So many questions I want to ask and so few answers......BUT ....we have given him five years. So I will hush my mouth and wait for that five years to pass.

PMX is trying. He is trying very hard to make our life, our nation, and our future, better. He is fighting against rent seekers, he is fighting entitled obnoxious individuals who insist that our nation, owes them a living. And believe me, he is swimming against the tide of corruption that threatens to sweep him away with every stroke he takes in his swim towards the shore of much promise that we all want to happen in our lives. We want these things not tomorrow, not next week, but we want them now!

Whilst it's like an impossible task, Anwar Ibrahim can't just give up. There are ways for him to correct the wrongs. Sometimes I do think more and more that the answer leans towards a strong dictatorship in the hands of someone who has no vested interest other than wanting to do what is best and what is right and sustainable too for Malaysia and all Malaysians.

All this is a thankless job that is not only subjective, but it isn't easy to do either, with many different layers to repair and correct. I am really not sure who is able and will want to step up to do the needful. PMX is swamped and is highly stressed with a high BP already and with tons of work that he is required to do.

I really don't envy him.

He needs at least five years to lay the foundation for all that we are hoping for him to what is best for our nation, our people, and our future. Do not rush to judgment. I will give him the five years he deserves. Will you?



Ting Kiong Tee
Ting Kiong Tee
Feb 21, 2024

Why Anwar must punish Mahathir


rawi m
rawi m
Feb 20, 2024



Arun Paul
Arun Paul
Aug 26, 2023

Dr. Maya Angelou once said, “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” This is one of the hardest life lessons that I’ve ever tried to follow, but it is sage advice.


Jul 29, 2023

Agreed. He is all we got to save Malaysia from corruption that has embedded into every fabric of Malaysian society.


Jul 28, 2023

I think you should also ask him why appoint ZH as his deputy & retain AB as SPRM chief

Ting Kiong Tee
Ting Kiong Tee
Jul 30, 2023
Replying to

Political expediency! Desperate time needs desperate measures!!!


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